CultureFest celebrates Community Diversity with Dynamic Performances

Contact: Karen Allim
Phone: Home (347) 392-4536,  School (718) 641-1316

Our Lady’s Catholic Academy (OLCA) partners with performing artists to celebrate the cultural and artistic heritage of the school and community with a dynamic Parade of Nations on June 1st and 2nd.

Jamaica Drum Jam, an organization that brings music education and performances to low and moderate income individuals in Jamaica, Queens, and surrounding neighborhoods in New York City, will be working with our students to lead a Latin American Samba, a West African Read more »

April 11th, 2013, Common Core Assessments in Catholic School

“Without professional development, we would never be 21st century schools,” commenced Dr. Thomas Chadzutko, Superintendent of Schools at the St. John Neumann Principal Professional Development Day at Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy on April 11th, 2013.

“The day was very informative and offered principals many suggestions regarding Common Core assessments and the rigor and instructional shifts needed in order to ensure academic achievement for all students,” stated Diane Phelan, Associate Superintendent for Evaluation of Programs and Students. Read more »