Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy’s Christmas Spirit

This year Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy was lucky enough to be asked to perform at the King County Democratic Chairman Mr. Frank Seddio’s Christmas Lighting Ceremony! Thousands come to see Mr. Seddio’s display every year, it is a great community affair.

Mayor De Blasio came to the event and spoke to the students, which was a real treat for all. After, our dancers got to introduce Santa with their ‘Santa Claus is coming to Town’ dance!


Missionary Childhood Association Artwork Celebration

Dear MCA Families,

On behalf of all children in missionary lands, thank you for being witnesses to the Gospel as a family with your prayers and help.

It was wonderful to meet you last week. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time and traveled home safely.

The Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) exists because of the belief in the power of children’s prayers, sacrifices and capacity to evangelize,–and as we can evidence sometimes through art as the medium. The family, your family, is the primary and principal educator of the faith through word and action.  Your encouragment and support of our MCA Annual Artwork Contest and by extension all of it’s work is a wonderful example.

Here is the link to the photos from the wonderful day and the eGreeting site  Enjoy!

Please visit MISSIO to see more of the families and children we are directly offering support to all over the world.

On behalf of Fr. Andrew Small, OMI, National Director and the Entire National Staff, continued Advent Blessings and Joyous Christmas!

In the Peace of Christ,

Marilyn Santos,

Director of Mission Education


MISSIO   Powered By The Pontifical Mission Societies   70 West 36th Street  New York  NY   10018   United States



St. Margaret Catholic Academy

The 4th grade girls CYO basketball team took a trip to St. John’s University on Saturday, December 9th to attend the SJU Women’s Basketball game & greet the players in a hi-five tunnel as they ran out in the beginning of the game. Parents, siblings, and grandparents attended the game as well. The girls got to participate in a meet and greet after the game where the SJU Women’s Basketball team autographed basketballs, took pictures and talked to the girls.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy in Astoria Visits the Intrepid!

On November 17, the 5th graders of Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy visited the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.   They learned that the Intrepid was used by NASA to recover capsules that would land in the ocean after orbiting the Earth. The students also had the opportunity to explore the museum and view artifacts while exploring interactive exhibits.

St. Sebastian Catholic Academy Has Exciting News!

Food Collection for the Little Sisters of the Poor-7th grade service project November 2017


Awarding 8th graders endowment scholarships for academics and service based on 7th grade performance-November 2017


Michael Millot accepting the Italian American Scholarship from Bishop DiMarzio.


Winners of the Patriots Pen Essay Contest Woodside VFW Post 2813.

Our Lady of Trust STEM Lab

At Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy we premiered our STEM Lab this September. Each grade has access to the STEM Lab which provides problem-based learning for our students. The students are now being given more opportunities to be problem solvers, risk takers, critical thinkers and innovators by taking positions on real world problems. By working through a combination of learning strategies the students discover the nature of a problem, understand the variables involved and gain a perspective viewpoint of those affected. Our faculty and students have been working wonderfully in the STEM Lab and are enjoying their state of the art lab.

Quotes about our STEM Lab:


Our Pre-Kindergarten teacher believes “our students are becoming star investigators as they use our new hands on STEM Lab to observe, investigate and interpret grade level appropriate scientific curriculum and experimentation.”

One of our 7th Grade students stated “I think the STEM Lab is a great way for students to interact with the world of science and to see it with their own eyes, and interact with the students around

them as well.”

After doing a Heat Transfer an 8th Grade student said “This experience was fun and interesting to me because it helped clarify things since I had the chance to see the chain reaction of certain elements. We were able to see it firsthand instead of reading it in a textbook. When my group saw the ice melt so rapidly we all understood what we were learning in the classroom.”

St. Bernard Catholic Academy Gets a Special Visit

Sr. Elenita Meriz Ocampo, OP, is a member of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena. Sister visited the United States in late October for the ASCD conference held in Florida. While there, she met one of the Diocesan Associates at the conference and in conversation, found they would both be in Brooklyn the following week. Sister asked to visit a school while she was on vacation. Sister is the President of Siena College Quezon City Phillipines, whose community founded the College in 1958 in a rural area of the country. Sister Meriz, Mrs. Roxanna Elder ~District Superintendent and Dr. Elizabeth Frangella~Associate Superintendent visited Mrs. Kathy Buscemi~ Principal and the St. Bernard Catholic Academy community on All Saints Day.