Career Day at St. Margaret’s!

Parents and family members of students participated in St. Margaret’s first ever Career Day. Professions ranged from All Star Studio owner, Nurse, Veterinarian, Police Officer, Construction Project Manager, Firefighter, Opera Singer, Computer Programmer, Manager of Stock and Trade, Director of Scouting for the New York Rangers, Orthodontist, and Social Worker.


St. Kevin’s Blessed are the Peacemakers Banner

SKCA presented a Blessed are the Peacemakers Banner signed by all students today at the 9 am Mass of Peace and Social Justice.  The students answered questions about Love, Respect and Kindness to one another and Father Robert reiterated we should all be instruments of peace in every way possible.

Additionally, the students created a “Tree if Peace…Planting the Seeds of Love,” each student in school was given a leaf and on that leaf they wrote down one way they promise to help be more like Jesus to promote love and kindness in their every day lives.

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers,” these are people that take this conflict ridden world we’re in and they’re the healing bond to that.

St Margaret

The 4th and 8th graders of St. Margaret collaborated on a science project in their new STEM Lab on Friday. The teachers thought this was a good way for the 4th grade to prepare for state testing and for the 8th grade to assume responsibility as well as giving their guidance and sharing their experiences with the younger students.

Harvard Innovators Empower Queens Middle Schoolers to Help Robot Proof their Future

As technology continues to define and alter the labor market, Saint Elizabeth Catholic Academy is taking action to prepare students today, for the jobs of tomorrow.

Social media marketing, sustainability management, cloud computing – these are just some of the fields that didn’t exist 10-15 years ago. A recent McKenzie report states that 51% of job activities can already be automated with “currently demonstrated” technology and this is just the beginning. The labor market may feel miles away for students entering high school today, but when an average college graduate in the US starts their career with $37K in debt, the choices these students make in school matter.

St. Elizabeth Catholic Academy principal Miss Jeanne Shannon teamed up with, a data-driven career counseling service based in Harvard Innovation Labs, to host a “Career Exploration Day” on Friday, February 16th. Ninety middle grade students benefited from going through a talent assessment and received personalized recommendations. Students participated in an interactive “job morph” game, during which they presented their vision of the future for careers as accountants, doctors, architects, and much more.

Dillon, an 8th grade student said, “My group and I thought that if we don’t embrace the future, we’ll fall behind and have difficulty succeeding.” The CEO of Profilum and current student at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Anna Shay, had the following to say: “It is important to engage students in thinking about the future. By equipping them with necessary skills and information, we help to make meaningful connections between education and future pathways. Technology can play a big role in providing access to relevant data whilst taking into account individual interests and motivational structures. That is definitely something we are excited to explore and bring into classrooms!”

Students learned how technological advancements drive the demand for new skills and used creative thinking to construct careers of the future. Emily, an 8th grade student said, “My group and I felt that Profilum gave us a chance to realize how important our generation is to the future, and how we must be creative in order to succeed.” Over the past few years college and career readiness has been high on the school’s agenda. The school partnered with NY State Senator Joseph Addabbo in the Fall to host a Career Day featuring leading companies and the nonprofit Middy Fund to work weekly on student’s social ventures and in the process develop key soft career skills.

“Profilum provided an excellent opportunity for our students to explore the emergence of new jobs, using technology of the future to build the vision of a career they will pursue down the road”, said Mr. William Ferguson, current PKA for All Site Director.

Our Lady of †rust Catholic Academy


1696 Canarsie Road                                                          718 241-6633 (ph.)

Brooklyn, New York 11236                                                                         


Ms. Nancy Re Cregan, 2nd Grade teacher from Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy, was chosen as a 2018 recipient of the 9/11 Tribute Museum Teacher Awards!!!

On the 25th Anniversary of the first attach on the World Trade Center, the 911 Tribute Museum honored seven teachers from across the United States who have created exemplary projects that guided their students to understand the historical and humanitarian impact of the attacks and their aftermath. Ms. Re was the only recipient from a Catholic School and she shared how wonderful it was to speak about her faith.

The academy received a monetary gift, and the art work, from the 2nd Grade students, is being displayed in the museum.