Our Lady of †rust Catholic Academy


1696 Canarsie Road                                                          718 241-6633 (ph.)

Brooklyn, New York 11236                                                                                   ourladyoftrustca.org


Ms. Nancy Re Cregan, 2nd Grade teacher from Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy, was chosen as a 2018 recipient of the 9/11 Tribute Museum Teacher Awards!!!

On the 25th Anniversary of the first attach on the World Trade Center, the 911 Tribute Museum honored seven teachers from across the United States who have created exemplary projects that guided their students to understand the historical and humanitarian impact of the attacks and their aftermath. Ms. Re was the only recipient from a Catholic School and she shared how wonderful it was to speak about her faith.

The academy received a monetary gift, and the art work, from the 2nd Grade students, is being displayed in the museum.