Announcing the RCIA Spirit of Faith Online Tool

On September 18, 2014, during the School of Evangelization Inaugural Gathering, the Diocese of Brooklyn launched the new RCIA Spirit of Faith Online Supplement. The tool was created by the School of Evangelization in collaboration with My Catholic Faith Delivered, and is used by those participating in the parish Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) process as an aid to learn more about the Faith. It can also be used as a lectionary-based Adult Faith Formation opportunity by anyone, anytime.

 A Course Alignment Schedule is available for each of the twenty-eight weeks; the cost of $59.00 includes a lesson a week for 28 weeks. There are fifty free subscriptions available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please see the flyer for details.

For more information, contact Ted Musco, Executive Director for the School of Evangelization at 718.965.7300, ext. 5417 or

St. Michael’s Guild

StMichael 355x369Ever wish you could explore the Catholic faith more but never had the chance? Well now you do!

Come and join many others like yourself! All individuals, aged 18 to 35, male or female, are invited to meet up for some faith filled fun! St. Michael’s Guild meets on the first Wednesday of every month: Oct. 1, Nov. 5, and Dec. 3 in 2014 and Jan. 7, Feb. 4, Mar. 4, Apr. 1, and May 6 in 2015.

The guild has plenty of fun activities including a book club, trips and excursions, prayer groups, Liturgy and worship, movies, media, and so much more!

The first meeting is on the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, Wednesday, October 1, fro 7:30 – 8:30 PM in the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston.

If you’re interested or have any questions, email or find us on Facebook at

NET TV to Provide Live Coverage of First Beatification in United States

Beatification_massSaturday, October 4th, New Evangelization Television (NET TV) will broadcast live the Beatification of the Venerable Miriam Teresa Demjanovic from the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Newark.

“This is the first beatification to take place in the United States, ever,” said Archbishop John J. Myers of Newark. “In recent years, there has been an effort by the Vatican to bring these important liturgies to the actual countries where the saints are from,” he explained.

Venerable Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanovic was born in Bayonne, New Jersey, in 1901. She lived her religious life in the Garden State where she attended public schools, graduated from the College of Saint Elizabeth and entered the community of Sisters of Charity, both in in Convent Station, Morristown, NJ. She died in 1927 when she was only 26 years of age.

The liturgy will follow an official format provided by Rome, the same one performed in St. Peter Square in the Vatican City, and will be presided over by Angelo Cardinal Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints from Rome. The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, will concelebrate.

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Catholic Migration Services Honors Immigrants in Fund Dinner

The Catholic Migration Services will be holding two fundraising dinners. The Shining Stars Award Dinners will be held at Gargiulo’s Restaurant in Brooklyn on October 3rd and October 10th and will benefit and celebrate the immigrant parishioners that contribute daily in our Brooklyn and Queens communities.

Shining Star_graphic2

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will preside over the events of the evening which begin with cocktails at 6:30 PM followed by the dinner and awards at 7:30.

Catholic Migration Services provides comprehensive pastoral, educational, advocacy and legal services to advance equality and social justice in the changing and diverse population of our Diocese.

You can download and print a flyer with further information and sponsorship opportunities here.

Fifth Annual Benefit Dinner for the Eparchy of St. Maron

Maronite Catholics and friends from the greater New York area will gather on Thursday, October 23, at the Archdiocese of New York Building (1011 First Avenue) for the Fifth Annual Benefit Dinner for the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn. The evening will begin with a Cocktail Reception with hors d’oeuvres at 6:00pm, to be followed by Dinner at 7:30pm. Individual tickets cost $250 each. Table sponsorships are available at $5,000, $10,000 and $15,000. Additional donations are encouraged. Over 200 guests are expected.

Proceeds from the Benefit Dinner will be used to educate Seminarians, support poorer parishes and missions, make structural repairs to the Cathedral and assist retired priests. Bishop Gregory John Mansour stated, “I invite all of the faithful of the Eparchy, and every person of good will, to attend or support this year’s Benefit Dinner. Thank you and welcome!”

An added feature of this year’s Benefit Dinner is that it will honor Claire Habib, is a faithful and devoted member of the Maronite community in the New York area.

The Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn comprises 43 parishes, a Seminary, a Convent, a Monastery and the Maronite faithful in 16 states located along the East Coast of the United States from Maine to Florida. It is directly under the jurisdiction of Pope Francis.

Further information may be found at or by emailing

“Radio Evangelization on the Air” by Bishop DiMarzio

September 24, 2014 – Excerpted from Put Out Into The Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

The message of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to evangelize has been strong and consistent: “Go forth.” In a time when so many Catholics have drifted away from the Church, we have to live by Pope Francis’ word to spread the Joy of the Gospel. I am pleased to announce our efforts as a Diocese to help in this task.

Through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Joseph and St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of the DeSales Media Group, we have been able to help one of the largest Catholic radio stations in the U.S. to reach our community. Relevant Radio succeeded in acquiring WNSW 1430 AM. Because of this acquisition, Catholic programming is now available to the whole greater New York City metropolitan area.

The 14-year-old network follows the mission to assist the Church in the New Evangelization, helping people bridge the gap between faith and everyday life. With its live interactive programs – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – and with 70 hours of original programming by award-winning hosts each week, Relevant Radio seeks to inspire and transmit a message of hope while promoting the teachings of our Church. Previously aired shows are also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on We can listen to the radio in the car, while we are at work or at home.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.


The esteemed law firm of Kaye Scholer, LLP located in the heart of Midtown was recently the site of a social entrepreneurship challenge hosted by the Middy Fund, and featuring middle school students from St. Elizabeth Catholic Academy. The students presented ideas for websites, apps and programs which they had designed to eradicate problems they face in their lives.  Students delivered their presentations to an audience of 100; many of whom were leaders in finance, education and successful entrepreneurs.  Read more here.

Catholic Radio Arrives in New York City

Desales-RRThanks to support from DeSales Media Group, Relevant Radio is now available in the greater New York City area via the acquisition of WNSW 1430 AM. Relevant Radio is the nation’s largest independent Catholic radio broadcasting network, and will reach an additional 16 million people through 1430 AM, which joins 35 other stations in the network for a total audience reach of 48.6 million people.

“In the tri-state area, almost 45 percent of the people are Catholics. We have potential for a lot of listeners. I am sure they will find a place of learning and understanding in Relevant Radio,” said the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, when giving his blessing to the radio station.

“We are thrilled to be in the nation’s number one media market,” said Father Francis J. Hoffman, Executive Director of the 14 year-old network which is based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “Our mission has always been to help people bridge the gap between faith and everyday life, and we look forward to expanding our message to a new audience.”

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