Discussing Latino Catholicisim

St. Joseph’s Seminary and America Magazine have created a partnership in presenting topics of interest to Catholics in and around New York. Last year, we had three lectures, Flannery O’Connor and her writing of Prayer Journal, Catholic Media, and Pope Francis and the Internet.

To kick off the 2015-2016 academic year, we are hosting a lecture on “Discussing Latino Catholicism” with Professor Timothy Matovina, Ph.D. Professor Valerie Torres, Ph.D, will respond, and the lecture will be moderated by Fr. Matt Malone, S.J. The event will take place at the Sheen Center for Thought and Culture on October 15, from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The Sheen Center is located in Manhattan, 18 Bleecker St.  I am including the flyer which is more detailed on the evening’s event.

For further information, see the flyer below.

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.


Pope Francis’ Unscripted Address to Youth Gathering

Here is a ZENIT transcription and translation of the address Pope Francis gave this evening in his meeting with young people in Cuba.

“Hope endures suffering, it’s hardworking, it’s fruitful, it gives us work and it saves us from the throwaway culture”

You are standing up and I am sitting. How unmannerly. But you know why I sit down? It’s because I took some notes of some things that our companion here said, and what I want to say is based on these. One word that struck a chord is “dream.” A Latin American writer has said that people have two eyes: one of flesh and another of glass. With the eye of flesh, we see what is before us and with the eye of glass, we see what we dream of. It’s nice, no? In the objectivity of life, the capacity of dreaming has to enter in. A young person who is not capable of dreaming is cloistered in himself, he’s closed in on himself. Sure, a person sometimes dreams of things that are never going to happen. But dream them. Desire them. Seek the horizon. Open yourselves to great things.

I’m not sure if in Cuba they use this word, but in Argentina, we say, Don’t be wimpy. Open yourselves and dream. Dream that the world with you can be different. Dream that if you give the best of yourself, you are going to help this world be different. Don’t forget. Dream. If you get carried away and dream too much and life cuts you off, don’t worry. Dream and share your dreams. Speak about the great things that you want, because inasmuch as your capacity to dream is greater, when life leaves you only half way, you will have gone farther. So, first dream. Read more »

Education Tax Credit Will Help Families and Schools In Need

The Education Tax Credit (ETC) legislation would provide $150 million in additional funds to help families pay tuition. Last year, the ETC came very close to passing into law but came up short in the State Assembly.

To make it a reality, we need even more families, teachers, and staff to make our voice even louder! Go to nystatecatholic.org, click on “Take Action” and make your voice heard! Read more »

200 Teens and Adults from the Diocese to attend the World Meeting of Families

Approximately two hundred teens and adults from the Diocese of Brooklyn with participate in the One Day Pilgrimage to the Eighth World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, sponsored by the Diocesan School of Evangelization On September 23, 2015, four busses will travel from Brooklyn and Queens to Philadelphia for a day of prayer, conversation, meeting, and sharing. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to join over 18,000 people from all over the world who will come together next week to joyfully encounter Christ. There are no additional tickets available for the World Meeting, unfortunately. Read more »

‘Celebrate Spanish Heritage Month’ by Bishop DiMarzio

September 16th, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 has been declared Hispanic Heritage Month. This celebration began in 1968 as a week-long event, and was made a month-long-celebration under the presidency of Ronald Regan in 1988.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed not only in the United States, but also in Canada and many places in Latin America because this time period coincides with the independence day celebrations of five Latin-American countries on Sept. 15: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile observe their day of independence on, respectively, Sept. 16 and Sept. 18.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s article on The Tablet website.

‘Summer As Re-Creation Time’ by Bishop DiMarzio

August 19, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Summer vacations are times when we can truly recreate. Not in the sense of physical enjoyment but rather in the sense of re-creation from which the word comes. Yes, summer is a time when we need to re-create the image of God that has been placed in us from our Baptism. We need time and distance upon occasion in order to take stock and rededicate ourselves to our life’s calling. Vacations are times away from our daily work where we can reflect on its true meaning, recharge our batteries, if you will, and return to our life’s work renewed with vim and vigor.

My hope is that this summer is giving you the opportunity to re-create yourself again. Do not forget to put yourselves in God’s presence. God is always present to us, but we sometimes forget that God surrounds us at all times in our lives. Vacation-time gives us that extra bit of leisure when we can contemplate the beauty of nature wherever we find it. It is the reflection of the Creator’s love for us. Those extra moments, minutes and hours of free time should be dedicated to some spiritual development and progress. Although most of the time we must find the presence of God in our busy daily lives, vacations offer us the unique opportunity to experience God’s presence at a time when we are usually close to family and friends enjoying well-deserved rest.

Read the full text of the Bishops column on The Tablet website.

‘Mary, Our Model for Living’ by Bishop DiMarzio

August 12, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

I read an interesting article on icons recently. It is important to understand these images that come from the Eastern tradition and which contain in themselves its whole theology. For example, the clothing of Jesus and Mary shows the colors red and blue, but they are reversed in that Jesus usually has a red tunic and a blue mantle while Our Lady usually has a blue dress and a red mantle. Why, you might ask? Red symbolizes divinity, while blue is a symbol of humanity. In this way, it can be said that Jesus is God made man, while Our Lady instead is a human creature who has been in a certain sense divinized.

As another example, while Jesus is represented with His feet uncovered, placed directly on the earth, Our Lady wears shoes placed lightly on her feet. This expresses the concept that Jesus is the Word of God incarnate, true man like us in all things except sin, while Our Lady is a human creature through and through because by supernatural grace and her faithful response to grace she is raised above the earth.

Truly, icons are wonderful works of art. Some have called them “windows into heaven” because they so clearly express spiritual and theological truths and become schools of Christian learning.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

‘A Tranquil Invitation’ by Bishop DiMarzio

August 5, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Last January, when I visited the Holy Land and stayed at the Neocatecumenal Center overlooking the Sea of Galilee, I had the unique occasion to witness a sudden storm which came seemingly out of nowhere and produced large waves on a normally tranquil lake. It truly looked like a sea at that time.

There is a Gospel scene which describes exactly what I experienced on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus’ disciples were in a boat a long way from shore, and going against the wind, tossed by the waves. They were not able to make it back to shore. But Jesus comes to them walking on the water and says, “Do not be afraid. I am Jesus. Do not be afraid.” And Peter, impetuous as he was, sees Jesus coming on the water and starts to walk on the water himself.

When he realized what he was doing, Peter starts to sink and cries, “Lord, save me!” And the Lord offered His hand and allows Peter to get back into the boat.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Partners in Mission Enrollment Management Conference

The Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services, in collaboration with Partners in Mission and Elisa Viesta & Co., will host a conference focused on Marketing Recruitment, and Retention for Catholic schools and academies within the Diocese of Brooklyn.

The purpose of the conference is to further advance the mission of Catholic education with solutions to address the marketing challenges you face in your schools and academies. Pastors, principals, board directors, marketing committees, and all those involved in the enrollment process in a Catholic school or academy within the Diocese of Brooklyn are welcome to attend.

Conference Details are as follows:

Partners in Mission Enrollment Management Conference

Immaculate Conception Center

7200 Douglaston Parkway

Douglaston, New York 11362

Thursday, Nov 5 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Friday, Nov. 6 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Saturday, Nov. 7 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

Breakfast will be provided all three days. Lunch will be provided Thursday and Friday.

Registration Information

Deadline: October 26.

Fee: $10 if received on or before September 30, $15 if received on or after October 1, 2015.

Note: New conference material will be presented each day. Attendance for all three days is strongly recommended and the fee does not change in the case of partial attendance.

Registration is by mail.

Download the Registration Form (PDF)



Contact Elisa Viesta at info@elisaviesta.com or 646.761.7229

‘Caring For Our Senior Priests’ by Bishop DiMarzio

July 29th, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

During the feast of St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, we are called to honor and remember those who have helped shape our lives as Catholics.

St. John Vianney, also known as the “Cure d’ Ars,” was a humble parish priest and a mediator of Christ to His people. During his life, Father John Vianney transformed the hearts and lives of so many people because he enabled them to experience the Lord’s merciful love. He helped bring many to the love and care of Jesus, and eventually became so beloved by people across France that large crowds would come hear him preach every day. Pope Pius XI officially canonized him in 1925.

It is with a grateful hearts that we reflect upon the many contributions of our priests in Brooklyn and Queens. Our diocese has been blessed with the service and leadership of so many remarkable priests. With love and deep commitment, they have guided us to fulfill the Church’s mission. Throughout our lives, in times of joy, and our educational efforts, our priests have been present and have walked alongside us during these times. They are pillars of our Catholic communities in Brooklyn and Queens, and have dedicated their lives for us.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.