Back to School! A new year of Endless Possibilities!

B2s-2016-cover-smBack to School 2016

The Tablet is pleased to present this Back to School Supplement in collaboration with local Catholic schools and the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Brooklyn as well as local partners in education and health care.

Working As a Team to Support chadzutko-110x150Catholic Education

During his visit to last September, Pope Francis said: “School then ends up being one big family. A family, where together with our mothers and fathers, our grandparents, our teachers and friends, we learn to help one another … to work as a team…”

Brother-Ralph-Darmento-Headshot_cmyk-140x140Academies and Schools Are Committed to Best Practices

Brooklyn and Queens Catholic elementary schools and academies annually report on the ways they address their mission and Catholic identity, governance and leadership, academic excellence and operational vitality.

bernard-technology2_cmyk-140x96World of Opportunities Await Students, Schools/Academies

Technology has positively impacted education in the Catholic schools and academies in the Brooklyn Diocese with programs for learning, professional development and the expansion of hardware, wiring and wireless access.

stages-on-sound-file2-140x93St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust Embraces Catholic Education

The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust assists parish schools and academies by supporting enrichment programs, including the Catholic Identity Links, TerraNova online services, Greek and Latin Roots and Arts in Residency.

principals-2016-17smNew School Year Brings New Principals

With the start of the 2016-2017 school year, newly appointed principals are preparing to meet their school communities and to assume the diverse and challenging role of leadership.