Good Shepherd Academy Catholic School Week

Another Catholic School Week is in the history books for Good Shepherd Catholic Academy and to call it a success would be an understatement.

The festivities kicked off with a beautiful Family Mass to celebrate the parish. The mass was lead by Resurrection Pastor Father With and Good Shepherd’s own Deacon Chris. The large congregation enjoyed music from the Academy’s choir and wonderful lecturers from the upper class. Father With’s homily set the tone for the week, reinforcing the Academy’s mission to engage minds, strengthen values and nurture souls.

On Monday students celebrated community by making valentines for neighborhood seniors. And they were comfortable doing it, the dress- down for the day had many wearing their comfy pajamas!

Tuesday was an eye-opening experience as the school gathered to hear from accomplished parents, speaking passionately about their careers. Students dressed down showcasing their future vocational hopes. An already terrific day only got better with an exciting show from the Harlem Magic Masters.

On Wednesday Good Shepherd Catholic Academy celebrated the Nation. The student body proudly wore their red, white & blue best and listened closely as Army Veteran and Academy Father Mr Forte spoke about supporting our troops. Good Shepherd students heeded the call to support, bringing in food and supplies for care packages that the Student Council assembled. Additionally, we blessed our updated computer lab, made possible by a generous donation from the local branch of NY Community Bank.

Students were the stars on Thursday! Crazy sock day was the dress down for our younger students as they enjoyed a magic show in the auditorium. Older students headed out for a day of games and thrills at the Funstation.

Friday the spotlight turned to the Academy’s passionate faculty. Students gathered to show their appreciation for their teachers- singing specially written songs and presenting thank you gifts.

At a special academy mass on Friday, students and faculty convened to pray with Father Mark, reflecting on all Good Shepherd Catholic Academy has to be thankful for.

Our community of hard working students, dedicated faculty, supportive families and a loving Parish allow the Good Shepherd Catholic Academy to continue to grow and build on it’s successes. While the school year doesn’t begin or end with Catholic Schools Week, it serves as a waypoint for all who participate, guiding them on their continued educational journey.


Bishop Chappetto Visits St. Leo Catholic Academy

Bishop Chappetto visited and toured St. Leo Catholic Academy in Corona. Students sang, performed on stage and even presented Bishop Chappetto with a basket of Italian foods. Bishop then toured the academy and spoke with grades receiving sacraments. The host pastor ad aligned pastor were also present and spoke to the children.

St. Mark Catholic Academy Catholic Schools Week Events

One event that SMCA celebrates is the Great Read. Students get to dress up and make the Great Read interactive for their fellow classmates.

St. Mark Catholic Academy also took part in a Celebration of Vocations where their parish priests answered questions the students had about religious life.

As part of Buddy Reading Day, students in the Middle School grades (grades 5-8) read to the children in the Early Childhood Elementary grades.

Our Lady’s Catholic Academy Students Win First Place In Art Contest

Two OLCA students have been featured in the Tablet this weekend because they won first place in the Knights of Columbus- Keep Christ in Christmas Contest.

There were also two honorable mentions:

Eighth graders , Ashanti Leveque, and Debra Chondool.

Sixth grade, Logan Tunis.

There were also two honorable mentions:

Eighth graders , Ashanti Leveque, and Debra Chondool.

Seventh grade, Annmarie Razack.


St. Bernard Catholic Academy

As part of Catholic School Week festivities, SBCA celebrated their annual Color Wars. Color Wars is an energetic and unifying event that gets faculty, staff and students involved. Students from each grade are broken down into teams assigned a specific color. Relay races and engineering competitions all took place.

St. Edmund School Welcomes Bishop Sanchez!

Bishop Sanchez spent Wednesday morning with the faculty and students of St. Edmund School. He spoke about the importance of Catholic education and then opened up the floor to questions from students. Principal Andrea D’Emic and two students presented Bishop Sanchez with gifts and in return, Bishop Sanchez gave the school a gift as well.

Bishop DiMarzio Visits Academies For Catholic Schools Week 2018

Bishop DiMarzio picked St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy in Bellerose and St. Margaret Catholic Academy in Middle Village as his touring destinations for Catholic Schools Week. Students at both academies performed songs for Bishop, presented him with gifts of Italian food, and had the opportunity to ask him questions.

St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy of Bellerose

St. Margaret Catholic Academy in Middle Village

St. Matthias Catholic Academy

St. Matthias Catholic Academy continued their celebration of Catholic Schools Week 2018 by singing and welcoming parents into the academy. Bishop Neil E. Teidemann spoke to the students and parents about the importance of Catholic Education at the academy and how to spread the word.

Representatives from Scholarship Fund were also on site to tour and meet students who benefit from the financial aid they are able to provide.

St. Matthias Catholic Academy

St. Matthias Catholic Academy continued their celebration of Catholic Schools Week 2018 by singing and welcoming parents into the academy. Bishop Neil E. Teidemann spoke to the students and parents about the importance of Catholic Education at the academy and how to spread the word.

Representatives from Scholarship Fund were also on site to tour and meet students who benefit from the financial aid they are able to provide.