The Catholic community in Brooklyn and Queens joins all New Yorkers in mourning the passing of Edward I. Koch, a compelling leader who became a symbol of New York City as its “mayor for life.”

He never forgot the common folk, even as he transcended to greatness and became a legend. He was as concerned about residents in the outer boroughs as much as he was for those in Manhattan. He brought New York City back from the brink of economic crisis and financial ruin, and managed to foster a sense of small town Americana in our big city. Read more »

Remembering Bishop Catanello

The Most Reverend Ignatius A. Catanello, Titular Bishop of Deultum and Retired Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn, died after a lengthy illness on Monday, March 11, 2013.

Ignatius Catanello

The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, praised Bishop Catanello’s long service to the Church. “For 47 years, ‘Bishop Iggy’ as so many fondly knew him as, faithfully served the people of the Diocese of Brooklyn. In the last few years, as he struggled with illness, Bishop Catanello identified with Christ. I ask the people of the Diocese ofBrooklyn to join me as we pray for the repose of his soul. Bishop Catanello’s favorite phrase was, ‘OK pal.’ I know that he is OK now.”

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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Declared “Venerable”

On June 28, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict XVI has approved the heroic virtues of U.S. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen clearing the way for the advancement of his sainthood cause. Father Andrew Small, OMI, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies noted, “As head of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith from 1950 to 1966, the Venerable Fulton Sheen was heroic in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide – from Peoria to Pretoria; New York to New Delhi. He teaches us still that the Church is missionary by her very nature.”