Freshly Ordained in the City

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The Wall Street Journal profiled Father Jeremy Canna, one of the 13 new priests in the diocese, and followed his transition to priestly life:

After parking his car in Prospect Heights one Saturday morning,
Jeremy Canna glanced back at his little white Toyota and was
struck by a wild thought: “I could drive away, couldn’t I?”

He didn’t. Instead, the 27-year-old walked two blocks to the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph to his ordination ceremony.

Inside, Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio anointed his hands
with oil, the choir invoked all the saints of heaven to shower down
their grace and the newly ordained Father Canna lay prostrate on the altar.

“This is it,” he thought. “There’s no changing who I am at this moment. I’m giving it to God.”

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Click here for photos of the WSJ print article.

“Natural Way for Family Planning” by Bishop DiMarzio

July 23, 2014 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep”, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

The Church throughout the U.S. has just completed a special week dedicated to promoting the true meaning of Natural Family Planning (NFP). Natural family planning is an umbrella term that refers to modern, scientifically accurate, healthy and reliable methods of birth regulation. The Church teaches that parents must be responsible for bringing new life into the world so that they will be able to properly support and educate the children that God gives them.

Unfortunately, our contemporary society has adopted what we might call a “contraceptive mentality,” whereby couples often choose means other than natural ones to prevent conception from occurring. This attitude, unfortunately, is also evidenced among our own Catholic people. However, for the most part, I believe that many Catholic couples do not understand the various forms of natural family planning that can assist them in achieving the natural and God-given ends of their marriage, namely the loving, unitive and life-giving procreative aspects of sexual intercourse within the sacramental covenant of marriage. For this reason, the Catholic Church teaches that couples must not actively intervene to separate their fertility from their physical union. To do so is to show disrespect for an important gift given to married couples by the Creator.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Catholic Migration Featured on NBC New York

The humanitarian crisis in the southern border of United States has grabbed national attention as thousands of unaccompanied children have fled to the border to escape the growing violence in Central America. More underage immigrants are risking their lives in this dangerous journey that not always end as planned.

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Catholic Migration Services, an affiliated organization of the Diocese of Brooklyn committed to help the underserved immigrant communities in Brooklyn and Queens, has been providing legal assistance to nearly 60 children in recent months.

One of their clients is the young Carlos Ramos of only 10 years of age. After his father became abusive and alcoholic, he decided to leave El Salvador on his own to meet with his mother, who has been working in New York for over 6 years. They were reunited when Carlos was 8, when he was apprehended at the border in Texas. He had not seen his mother since he was 2 years of age. Now, Carlos is a thriving sixth-grader whose case is still being determined by the courts.

NBC 4 New York spoke with Carlos about his journey to the border and about the new task force aimed to help the many immigrant children living in New York City.

“Understanding Immigrant Children” by Bishop DiMarzio

July 16, 2014 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep”, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

The influx of unaccompanied minors at the southern border of the U.S. has grabbed national headlines in recent weeks and turned much of our attention to our Nation’s capital and our foreign policy. Last week, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to participate in the National Migration Conference, where organizers brought together migration workers from around the U.S. who not only provide legal services but also resettlement services to immigrants and refugees. It was truly inspiring to see close to 1,000 attendees, showing that the Church around our country is truly dedicated to the service of the strangers in our midst.

The situation at the border – the “border crisis” as it has become known – was the major topic of discussion during the conference. This movement of unaccompanied minors has always been part of the migration and refugee flow, but in the past several months, attention has been brought to this particularly vulnerable group. One factor, which is not well publicized, is that nearly 85 percent of those coming are destined to be reunited with either parents or close relatives who are awaiting their arrival.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Calls for Peaceful Resolution in Israel

In light of the disturbing military action between Israel and Hamas forces, we advocate for restraint on all sides of this grave conflict. Recognizing Israel’s right to self-defense, we call for moderation for the sake of innocent lives. We pray that all participants in this major conflict reach the best possible solution through honest dialogue rather than the use of arms. Knowing the sad events of the deaths of the three Israeli youths and the death of the Palestinian youth, we ask for an end to the fighting, which is only bringing about more killing. We pray that all respect the God given gift of human life for all in the midst of this conflict.

“Liberty and Justice for All” by Bishop DiMarzio

2014-07-21 DimarzioJuly 2, 2014 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep”, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

This week, we celebrate the Fourth of July, the remembrance of the beginning of the independence of the United States of America. Contemporaneously, Catholics in the U.S. have been asked to observe a fortnight for religious liberty, which began on June 22, the Feast of St. Thomas More, the martyr for religious freedom during the reign of King Henry VIII.

This year’s remembrance of the Fortnight for Freedom finds ourselves in a little better condition than we were last year, with religious liberty still being threatened in our country, a nation founded on “liberty and justice for all.” Certainly, that liberty contains the right not just for worship but also for our preservation of conscience. The Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obama Care, with the mandate, which was part of the regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, state that all entities who provide health care insurance in its strictly defined definition of religious organizations must provide contraception, sterilization and abortifacient drugs to those it covers.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Ordains 13 Men to the Priesthood

New Class Largest in the Nation

Bishop DiMarzio Ordains 13 New Priests for Brooklyn

On Saturday, June 28, the Diocese of Brooklyn celebrated the ordination of thirteen new priests. The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, blessed the new shepherds of the Church at the newly renovated and consecrated Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Prospect Heights before more than 1,500 attendees and 200 vested priests.

“In the Diocese of Brooklyn, we are so blessed that 13 men will be called for service to the people of God. Some may think that 13 is an unlucky number. For me, however, 13 is a baker’s dozen, a true abundance of harvest that the Lord has promised to those who pray for laborers to enter the harvest.” said Bishop DiMarzio.

The new priests that will serve Brooklyn and Queens include eight born in the United States and five foreign-born. They are: Jeremy Canna, Vincenzo Cardilicchia, Marcin Chilczuk, Jason Espinal, Felix Herrera, Cezariusz Jastrzebski, Evans Julce, Juan Luxama, Gregory McIlhenney, Peter Penton, Robert Pierre-Louis, Anthony Rosado and Carlos Velásquez.

After the Ordination ceremony, the priests were given their pastoral assignments. They will serve the multi-cultural communities of the Diocese of Brooklyn, known as “the Diocese of Immigrants.”

‘The Tablet’ and ‘Nuestra Voz’ Bring Home Awards From Catholic Press Association

The Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada honored writers and editors from The Tablet and Nuestra Voz at its annual media conference in Charlotte, NC, on Friday.

The awards of excellence are presented annually by the Catholic Press Association, which represents more than 600 church-related media organizations in the US and Canada.

The awards for The Tablet were:

  • Columnist Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz, priest of the Diocese and professor of Theology at St. John’s University, obtained second place in the Best Regular Column category for his “Sunday’s Scriptures.”
  • Carrie White, longtime classified advertising manager, took second place for Individual Excellence in advertising and marketing.
  • Antonina Zielinska received an Honorable Mention for the 50th Anniversary of March on Washington Best Coverage, for her report “Sarah Keys Evans: Civil Rights Era Soldier Fought for Her Rights.”

The awards for Nuestra Voz were:

  • The paper’s website,, won second place for Best Newspaper Website.
  • Nuestra Voz took second and third place for Best Editorial, for columns written by contributor Mario J. Paredes and editor Daniel Alvarez.
  • Nuestra Voz also received two Honorable Mentions, in the General Excellence category for Nuestra Voz and in the Individual Excellence category for columnist and writer Cruz-Teresa Rosero.

More information is available in this press release.

Catholic Press Association Honors ‘The Tablet’ and ‘Nuestra Voz’

On Friday, June 20, the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada honored writers and editors of Catholic media during its annual Catholic Media Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Tablet, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, was recognized in three categories:

  • Columnist Father Jean-Pierre Ruiz, priest of the Diocese and professor of Theology at St. John’s University, obtained second place in the Best Regular Column category for his “Sunday’s Scriptures.”
  • Carrie White, longtime classified advertising manager, took second place for Individual Excellence in advertising and marketing.
  • Antonina Zielinska received an Honorable Mention for the 50th Anniversary of March on Washington Best Coverage, for her report “Sarah Keys Evans: Civil Rights Era Soldier Fought for Her Rights.”

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“What Good Can a Priest Do?” by Bishop DiMarzio

June 25, 2014 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep”, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

Several months ago, one of our priests ordained seven years ago, Father Raphael Munday Kukana, asked for an appointment to meet with me. At our meeting, he brought me two surprises. The first was the manuscript of a book he wrote in 2013 entitled, “Unworthy Servant: What Good Can A Priest Do?” The book is his personal reflection on his then six years of priesthood and is truly fascinating.

Most importantly, perhaps it is the question that Father asks in the book on which we can meditate as we welcome 13 new priests to the Presbyterate of Brooklyn and Queens. He says, “The underlying question behind this reflection is ‘What good can a priest do?’ This question should really be a starting point because priests are ordained not to do some ‘good,’ but, simply put, to serve.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.