Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 


NET-TV Graduation Special To Celebrate Strong Foundation of Faith and Academics


The Diocese of Brooklyn and the Superintendent of Catholic Schools are announcing that tomorrow, Friday, June 12, 2020, Catholic elementary academies and schools throughout Brooklyn and Queens will mark the achievements of the Class of 2020 in a variety of ways, different from years past, as a result of the Coronavirus.

The Diocesan cable channel, NET-TV, is in a special way honoring the Class of 2020 with graduation tribute programming. The graduation series will highlight students of the 50 participating schools beginning tonight, Thursday, June 11, at 8:30 PM, continuing Friday, June 12 at 8:30 PM, and concluding on Monday, June 15 at 8:30 PM.  Tune in to NET-TV on Channel 97 (Spectrum), Channel 30 (Optimum), and Channel 48 on (Fios by Verizon) or on YouTube at NETTVCATHOLIC. For a complete schedule, including encore presentations, visit

The Diocese is further highlighting stories of inspiration and success of the members of the Class of 2020 from five of its schools.

St. Frances De Sales Catholic Academy (Belle Harbor, Queens)

Thirteen years ago, 11-month old Maggie Kelly was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. With much prayer, faith, amazing doctors, and support, Maggie, who doctors said would not survive chemotherapy, is now graduating 8th grade from St. Francis de Sales.

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy was their family’s safe place.  They knew when they sent their oldest child who was three at the time that she would be loved and cared for while the family was busy taking care of Maggie. It was then time to enroll Maggie, and the family was recently quoted saying “We thank you for all of your patience, help and mostly the love you have shown Maggie over her years at St. Francis. With tears of joy, we will be forever grateful to all of you! Miracles do happen!”

St. Peter Catholic Academy (Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)

This year’s valedictorian, Samantha Chan, is the daughter of a healthcare worker. Samantha found her faith in the 4th grade at Saint Peter’s when Mrs. Alfeo, her teacher at the time and now principal, was teaching a religion lesson. At the end of the lesson, Samantha asked to become Catholic. Mrs. Alfeo is Samantha’s Godmother and Confirmation sponsor.

Due to the fear of the Coronavirus, Samantha and her younger sister were not allowed outside throughout the pandemic. The first time outside for Samantha was when Mrs. Alfeo and teachers delivered a graduation sign to Samantha.

Divine Mercy Catholic Academy (Ozone Park, Queens)

8th Grader Brandon Wilk’s incredible academic efforts have made Brandon one of the students offered the most scholarship money ever to a student ever at the school. Brandon earned scholarships totaling $158,000 awarded from four Catholic high schools including Xavier, Cathedral Prep, Archbishop Molloy, and Regis High School, which he will attend in September on a full scholarship.

St. Sebastian Catholic Academ(Woodside, Queens)

This year’s 8th-grade valedictorian, Carolina Corcuera, is at the top of her class and follows a family legacy of school graduates. Her mother and aunts attended and graduated from St. Sebastian. Carolina has two younger siblings currently enrolled in the school, and her Mom is a board member of the Home Academy Association.

St. Bernadette Catholic Academy (Dyker Heights, Brooklyn)

The graduating Class of 2020 has two final graduates of two families who each chose St. Bernadette’s as the elementary school for their five daughters.  The graduation tomorrow, for both the Trantino Family and the Peralta Family, will bring an end to a 20 year run at St Bernadette’s.

For more information and to arrange interviews with these students, please contact John Quaglione at

A promotional graphic of the NET-TV special graduation special schedule is attached.



Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens to Host Pop-Up Food Distribution in Queens for Neighbors in Need Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic 



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens to Host Pop-Up Food Distribution in Queens for Neighbors in Need Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic

WHAT: Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens will distribute 3,600 bags of food at a Pop-Up Food Distribution in Cambria Heights at Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church located at 115-50 221st Street in the Cambria Heights section of Queens, tomorrow, Friday, June 12, 2020, from 9:30 a.m. until supplies last.

Since March 24th, Catholic Charities has:

  • Provided over 316,000 meals at emergency Pop-Up Food Distributions in Brooklyn and Queens. 
  • Provided over 250,000 meals at our food pantries.
  • Witnessed an increase in demand for food at our existing food pantries which has tripled in over 7 weeks.

On Friday, June 12th, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens will:

  • Distribute a total of nearly 13,200 meals;
  • Hand out 3,600 bags of food;
  • Provide individuals with dry staple goods, produce, fresh chicken, apples, tortillas, juice and a recipe;
  • Provide information on access to supportive services via our call center and behavioral health services via telehealth; a coping with stress flyer; and outreach material encouraging participants to self-respond to the 2020 Census.

According to the New York City Department of Health, as of June 10, Queens has seen 62,589 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 5,175 reported deaths. Brooklyn and Queens account for nearly 60 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the New York metropolitan area.

As New York City is now in phase one of reopening, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens will continue to serve communities severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially our neighbors in need who have lost their jobs, wages, and did not qualify for federal stimulus packages.

The Emergency Pop-Up Food Distribution is organized and funded by Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens as a direct response to our neighbors in need. To help, donate to Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens at

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Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio delivers homily focused on Racism in our culture and Church The Bishop highlights the work of the Diocesan Commission on Racism and Social Justice



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio delivers homily focused on Racism in our culture and Church

The Bishop highlights the work of the Diocesan Commission on Racism and Social Justice

The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, delivered his homily on this Trinity Sunday at the 11 a.m. English Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, broadcast live on NET-TV, on the evil of racism and what society and the Church must do to bring about change.

“In our situation today as we see many protesting the horrible death of George Floyd, we recognize the anguish that comes from a deeper understanding of the inequalities in our own society and the burden that people of color must bear,” said Bishop DiMarzio.

In his remarks, the Bishop decried the violence and looting by people who purposely look to create anarchy in our society and destroy the rightful message of the protestors. As a Church and a family of faith, Bishop DiMarzio says we must stand and assist our brothers and sisters.

“Only when we find the love of God and bring that love to others will things change.” He also looked to the words of Martin Luther King, who said, “this time is cluttered with the wreckage of communities that have surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation and the salvation of mankind, we must follow another way. This does not mean that we abandon our righteous efforts, but we shall not in the process relinquish our privilege and obligation to love. This is the only way to create beloved communities.”

The Diocese of Brooklyn fully endorses the conversations currently taking place about racism. Only by talking about this difficult topic can there begin to be an understanding of what is still happening to people of color in Brooklyn and Queens, who make up half of our Diocese.

More than two years ago, the Diocese formalized these conversations. In 2017, after the Charlottesville, Virginia white supremacist demonstrations, Bishop DiMarzio established the Commission on Racism and Social Justice to look into racism within the Church. The Commission held hearings and received over 500 messages which have helped to understand the issues.

As a result of what it learned, the Commission held meetings with priests of the Diocese to help them understand how to preach about racism. There were also meetings with Catholic school teachers focused on teaching lessons aimed at preventing the seeds of racism from growing. “Racism is a learned behavior.  People are not born as racists.  Racism is learned in different ways, even if it is not taught specifically.  It is picked up by attitudes, feelings, and words.  We need to work in our Catholic schools where we have some influence to make sure that our young people today do not pick up the racist attitudes of the past,” said Bishop DiMarzio.

The Bishop acknowledged the Diocese has to do more to see how it can deal with the feelings and the reality that racism exists in the Church. “What we must understand is that societal change on the evil of racism must happen.”



Video of today’s Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph:

Courtesy: DeSales Media Group/NET-TV

10:53 – Homily by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio begins

14:11 “In our situation today as we see many protesting the horrible death of George Floyd, we recognize the anguish that comes from a deeper understanding of the inequalities in our own society and the burden that people of color must bear”

15:35 “What we must understand is that societal change on the evil of racism must happen”

14:47 Martin Luther King Jr in his wonderful understanding of non-violence once said that “this time is cluttered with the wreckage of communities that have surrendered to hatred and violence. For the salvation of our nation and the salvation of mankind, we must follow another way. This does not mean that we abandon our righteous efforts, but we shall not in the process relinquish our privilege and obligation to love. This is the only way to create beloved communities”

17:06 “Racism is a learned behavior.  People are not born as racists.  Racism is learned in different ways, even if it is not taught specifically.  It is picked up by attitudes, feelings, and words.  We need to work in our Catholic schools where we have some influence to make sure that our young people today do not pick up the racist attitudes of the past”

19:29 “Only when we find the love of God and bring that love to others will things change”


Commission of Religious Leaders Statement – May 31, 2020


His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Chair

Rev. A. R. Bernard, Sr., President

Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Vice President


May 31, 2020


CORL Statement on the Death of George Floyd


The Book of Ecclesiastes teaches us, “There is a time to be silent and a time to speak out.”  We of different faiths cannot remain silent after we watched the shattering video of a police officer keeping his knee on the neck of George Floyd who was crying out “I can’t breathe.”  Such inhumane treatment of another human being requires a collective response from all people of conscience.  The pursuit of justice is a fundamental tenet of our respective religious traditions, and thus we stand together to declare that all life is sacred, and all people are equal before the law in a democratic society.

We respect those who want to honor George Floyd’s memory with peaceful protest against the horror, evil, and sin that is racism.  We also support the members of Floyd’s family who said, in part, “We cannot endanger each other as we respond to the necessary urge to raise our voices in unison and in outrage.  Looting and violence distract from the strength of our collective voice.”

We often speak of “thoughts and prayers.”  We will offer our many prayers of healing, but we need not only serious thoughts but also firm action as we work together with all members of our community to find that critical cure for human hatred.




Imam Talib ‘Abdur-Rashid                        Rev. Gregory Chisholm                   Rabbi Michael Miller

Bishop Victor Brown                                    Rev. Herbert Daughtry                    Bishop John O’Hara

Rabbi Angela Warnick Buchdahl               Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio                Rev. Al Sharpton

Elder David Buckner                                    Rev. Que English                              Msgr. Kevin Sullivan

Imam Dr. Tahir Kukiqi




Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 



The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, has issued the following statement regarding this week’s racially divisive events in Minneapolis and New York City that have sparked tensions in those cities and throughout the Nation, calling for our response to be peaceful in the face of the evil that is racism:


“In Minneapolis, a black man suspected of a crime was handcuffed and brutalized by a policeman, which caused his death. The same week here in New York, a woman called police on a man falsely claiming he was threatening her with harm – his only crime was being a person of color.


These instances have led to protests and violence since persons of color feel they have no recourse. We Christians must be fierce in our opposition to the evil of racism, but we must respond peacefully and remember the Lord’s call to us to love one another as He loves us.”






Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 


The Diocese of Brooklyn is announcing that Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy and St. Anastasia Parish in the Douglaston section of Queens, hosted a virtual Memorial Day event this morning broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. To view the presentation, visit the following link:

The virtual event paid tribute and honored members of the United States Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom. The event included prayer, reflection and a special patriotic tribute to service members lost in the Queens community, as well as those who have died as a result of the Coronavirus.

Father Mark Bristol, a former priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn, now U.S. Navy Chaplain stationed aboard the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, recorded a video message for the virtual event. The program also featured an interview with Dr. Christopher Campese, an Academy parent and St. Anastasia parishioner, who discussed his service on the front lines during the Coronavirus.

The school recently hosted a Memorial Day essay contest and the two winning essays are read by the students as part of the program.

For any interview requests with the students or school leadership, please contact John Quaglione at


Diocese of Brooklyn Churches Can Begin to Re-open May 26



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Diocese of Brooklyn Churches Can Begin to Re-open for Private Prayer on May 26
Funerals, Baptisms, and Weddings can Commence Following Safety Guidelines

         The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, is pleased to announce that churches in the Diocese of Brooklyn can re-open for private prayer and devotion beginning Tuesday, May 26. Masks will be required of all who enter a church. Funerals and limited celebrations of Baptisms and Weddings can also begin.

“It has been a challenging few months for Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens. We know many people have eagerly been awaiting the day our churches would open. While we cannot celebrate Mass just yet, it is so important that we can now enter for prayer.  It is my hope that this will give many of our faithful great comfort during this difficult time,” said Bishop DiMarzio. Mass continues to be streamed online and broadcast on the Diocesan cable channel, NET-TV.

Beyond the requirement to wear masks, the Diocese urges anyone who feels sick in any way not to come to church for prayer. Entry to the church will be limited to ten people, as per New York State guidelines, and all who enter the church must maintain the six feet social distancing regulation at all times. Funerals, Baptisms, and Weddings will also be limited to ten people, with everyone required to wear a mask.

Additionally, the faithful are being asked to check with individual parishes for the specific hours their church will be open for prayer. Ushers and/or volunteers will be present to assist with social distancing.

Diocese of Brooklyn churches have been closed since March 20 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The reopening of churches is Phase 1 of a multi-phase plan that will ultimately lead to the resumption of Mass when there are no longer the government requirements limiting the number of people at a service to 10. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass remains in effect until further notice.

The Diocesan Committee on Re-opening Churches is being led by Joseph Esposito, the former New York City Emergency Management Commissioner, who brings 45 years of experience in the New York City Police Department, including his role as Chief of Department.

“We are consulting with medical and health professionals to ensure the safety of all priests and parishioners who enter Brooklyn and Queens churches. In my nearly 50 years of service to the city, this is one of the hardest issues I have had to deal with. The risks are great which is why we have to get things right the first time,” said Commissioner Esposito.

“As we begin the process of reopening our churches, we must understand that we will not be able to resume church life as we enjoyed it before. There will be a series of changes designed to keep everyone healthy and safe during prayer and worship.  I am confident that we will respond, as faithful People of God, to the challenges placed before us,” said Bishop DiMarzio.

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NET-TV Airing “Memorial for Us All” Lincoln Center COVID-19 Tribute Concert Featuring Broadway Star Norm Lewis



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Diocese of Brooklyn’s NET-TV Airing “Memorial for Us All” Lincoln Center COVID-19

Tribute Concert Featuring Broadway Star Norm Lewis this Evening


The Diocese of Brooklyn is proud to announce the Memorial for Us All concert will air this evening, May 17 at 6 p.m. on NET-TV, the cable channel of the Diocese. The performance, which will feature Broadway star Norm Lewis, will honor and celebrate those who have died as a result of COVID-19.


The initiative is organized by interfaith leaders throughout New York City, including the Diocese of Brooklyn, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Jazz at Lincoln Center.


“We are happy to partner with Lincoln Center and interfaith partners to present this tribute to those who have fallen during this pandemic and those who grieve their loss. Music offers comfort and healing in difficult times, and today we need it more than ever,” said Monsignor Kieran E. Harrington, Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn, and Chairman and President of the DeSales Media Group.


Anyone who has lost someone during this pandemic is invited to submit the name of a friend or family member to be honored at


NET-TV can be seen in the New York City area on Spectrum (Channel 97), Optimum (Channel 30), and FIOS by Verizon (Channel 48). The pre-recorded tribute will also be shown on The Tablet Facebook page,, and NET-TV’s Facebook page,


Memorial For Us All Tribute Concert

Sunday at 6:00 pm ET


Artist Featured: 

Norm Lewis


Organizational Partners:

Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

The Interfaith Center of New York

New York Disaster Interfaith Services

The Center for Faith and Community Partnerships, NYC Office of the Mayor

The New York Board of Rabbis Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

Jazz at Lincoln Center



Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens Distributes 17,600 meals at Pop-Up Food Pantry



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens Distributes 17,600 meals at Pop-Up Food Pantry

Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens today distributed 17,600 meals and served 1,725 individuals at an Emergency Pop-Up Food Pantry at St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church in the Elmhurst section of Queens, a neighborhood severely impacted by the Coronavirus.

At today’s event, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens:

  • Distributed a total of 17,600 meals in 4,800 bags of food;
  • Served over 1,600 individuals who each received 3 bags of food consisting of 11 meals total; Bags contained dry staple goods, produce, apples, tortillas, and juices.
  • Distributed $25 and $50 supermarket gift cards to another 125 individuals.
  • Offered access to supportive services via the CCBQ call center and behavioral health services via telehealth.

Since March 24 Catholic Charities has: 

  • Provided over 71,400 meals at emergency Pop-Up Food Distributions in Brooklyn and Queens.
  • Provided over 100,000 meals at our food pantries.
  • Witnessed a massive 200 percent increase in demand for food at our existing food pantries.

The Emergency Pop-Up Food Distribution is organized and funded by Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens as a direct response to our neighbors in need in both boroughs. To help support these events, donate to Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens at

According to the New York City Department of Health, as of May 12, Queens has seen 57,178 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 4,571 reported deaths, the second largest number of cases in New York City. Brooklyn and Queens account for nearly 60 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the New York metropolitan area. Elmhurst is one of the most ethnically diverse zip codes in the United States.

Photos attached (Courtesy of Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens)

Photos #1 and #2 – Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens staff and volunteers serving those in need at the Emergency Pop-Up Event at St. Bartholomew’s Catholic Church in Elmhurst.

Photo #3 is of Monsignor Alfred LoPinto, CEO of Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens, and Vicar for Human Services for the Diocese of Brooklyn, offering prayer and encouragement to staff and volunteers, prior to the distribution event’s start today at St. Bartholomew’s.

Photo #4- The Diocese of Brooklyn Emergency Task Force who donated masks at today’s event, and has distributed 20,000 masks at Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens Pop-Up events over the past six weeks.

POPUP food pantry

Charities of Brooklyn and Queens regarding an Emergency Pop-Up Food Pantry event taking place at St. Bartholomew’s Roman Catholic Church located in the Elmhurst section of Queens



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

The Diocese of Brooklyn Press Office is sharing this media advisory on behalf of our colleagues at Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens regarding an Emergency Pop-Up Food Pantry event taking place at St. Bartholomew’s Roman Catholic Church located in the Elmhurst section of Queens. 


Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens to Distribute 4,800 bags at an Emergency Pop-Up Food Pantry in Elmhurst Queens Tomorrow 

WHAT: Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens will distribute 4,800 bags at an Emergency Pop-Up Food Pantry in Elmhurst at St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Church located at 87-34 Whitney Avenue in Elmhurst, Queens tomorrow, Friday, May 15, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

At tomorrow’s event, Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens will:

  • Hand out 4,800 bags of food;
  • Serve 1,600 individuals;
  • Each individual will receive 3 bags of food consisting of 11 meals total; Bags will contain dry staple goods, produce, apples, tortillas, and juices.
  • Distribute a total of nearly 17,600 meals;
  • Individuals will receive access to supportive services via our call center and behavioral health services via telehealth; and outreach material encouraging participants to self-respond to the 2020 Census.

Since March 24 Catholic Charities will have:

  • Provided over 71,400 meals at emergency Pop-Up Food Distributions in Brooklyn and Queens. 
  • Provided over 100,000 meals at our food pantries.
  • Witnessed a massive 200 percent increase in demand for food at our existing food pantries. 

Photography and interviews will be available with organizers and recipients. Please contact Lucy Garrido-Mota at or call 718-722-6211.

The Emergency Pop-Up Food Distribution is organized and funded by Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens as a direct response to our neighbors in need in both boroughs. To help, donate to Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens at

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