Statement of Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio on the Murder of Worshipers at AME Church, in Charleston

Last week we were all stunned to learn of the murder of worshipers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. My prayers and that of the entire Catholic Community in Brooklyn and Queens are with the Emanuel AME community and the people of South Carolina. As worshipers returned to Mass on Sunday, there is no doubt it was difficult to pray and worship among grief and anger. But they have shown the world how faith can overcome even the most evil act. Join me in prayer and solidarity for the Emanuel AME community.


In light of the Haitian deportations in the Dominican Republic

WHO:  Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn

WHAT:  Mass of Solidarity and Unity in light of the deportations in the Dominican Republic; with a special invitation to the Haitian and Dominican communities.

WHERE: Cathedral Basilica of St. James, 250 Cathedral Place, Brooklyn, New York 11201

WHEN: Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 7:30 p.m.

WHY: In light of the beginning of deportations of Haitians living in the Dominican Republic, some born there, Bishop DiMarzio has called together the Dominican and Haitian communities in a Mass of Peace and Solidarity with those being deported. “We will pray for a change of heart on the part of the Dominican government in this humanitarian crisis,” said Bishop DiMarzio.


Ante la amenaza de repatriación de haitianos en la República Dominicana

QUIÉN: Monseñor Nicholas DiMarzio, Obispo de Brooklyn.

QUÉ: Una misa de unidad y solidaridad tras las deportaciones de inmigrantes haitianos en la República Dominicana; con la participación especial de la comunidad haitiana y dominicana.

DÓNDE: Catedral Basílica de St. James, 250 Cathedral Place, Brooklyn, New York 11201

CUÁNDO: Miércoles 24 de Junio del 2015, 7:30 p.m.

POR QUÉ: Tras finalizar el plazo para acogerse a un plan dominicano de regularización, miles de inmigrantes haitianos enfrentan deportaciones, incluyendo algunos nacidos en la República Dominicana. Monseñor DiMarzio ha hecho un llamado a las comunidades haitianas y dominicanas de Brooklyn y Queens para celebrar en conjunto una misa de unidad y solidaridad, por todos aquellos en riesgo de ser repatriados. “Oraremos juntos para que el gobierno dominicano cambie de parecer en esta crisis humanitaria”, dijo Moseñor DiMarzio.


After the tragic death of NYPD officer Brian Moore, 14 Catholic schools and academies within the Diocese of Brooklyn teamed up with the 105th Precinct to raise funds and build a Memorial Garden in his honor.

The garden dedication ceremony, street naming, and 105th precinct presentation will take place on Saturday, June 20th, from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. at Saint Gregory the Great School, 244-44 87th Avenue in Bellerose, New York. The ceremony was planned in conjunction with the 36th Annual Gregorian Summer Festival run by Saint Gregory the Great parish and school.

“Our festival runs for eleven nights, and this is a very large area so security is a major concern. Police Officer Moore was a frequent contributor towards the security effort here, and he was well known to the people of our community,” said Msgr. Edward Ryan, pastor at Saint Gregory the Great. Read more »


Pope Francis has appointed two priests of the Diocese of Brooklyn – the Very Reverend James Massa, 54, and the Reverend Canon Witold Mroziewski, 49 – as auxiliary bishops of Brooklyn. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, made the announcement public today in Washington, D.C.

The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, will ordain the new bishops at a Mass of Episcopal Ordination to be celebrated at the Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph on July 20, 2015 at 2 p.m. Read more »


On Saturday, May 23rd, the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, will ordain 19 men to the Order of Deacon at 11 a.m. at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, 856 Pacific Street, Prospect Heights.

“These 19 faithful men are a clear representation of the Church in Brooklyn and Queens,” said Bishop DiMarzio. “I am profoundly grateful for their vocation to the Permanent Diaconate. Their dedication to the many hours of education and formation, and their faithfulness to this ministry is a wonderful expression of the vitality and new life present in our Diocese. This diversified group of men are ready to assist in the ministry of our multicultural communities in Brooklyn and Queens. I take this time to thank their wives and children for their support, not only of their husbands and fathers, but also of the Diocese of Brooklyn.” Read more »

Supporting Our Schools, Supporting Our Students

For the past few years, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn has been working with the other Catholic dioceses in New York State, as well as Jewish and Protestant leaders, to build support for the Education Investment Tax Credit (A2551), the proposed bill that would raise funds for public schools and strengthen organizations that provide scholarships to children attending private and parochial schools. Enacting this legislation would empower parents to choose to send their children to private and parochial schools.

What follows are some of the Diocese’s efforts thus far in 2015: Read more »

Catholic Priests And Seminarians Will Bike 1400 Miles to Promote Vocations To Priesthood

As a way of raising awareness for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, two Catholic priests and three seminarians will embark this Monday for a 29-day, 1400-mile journey from the Cathedral of Saint Augustine in Florida. They will pass through 15 dioceses/archdioceses, including a stop at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, before ending at the Cathedral of St. Agnes in Rockville Centre. Read more »

Brooklyn Diocese to Announce Launch of Capital Campaign

GOF_LogoOn Sunday, May 3rd, the Diocese of Brooklyn, together with the Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens, will officially announce the launch of Generations of Faith, a comprehensive fundraising initiative to meet the spiritual and material needs of the diocese.

Continuing the unprecedented generosity of the 1996 Alive in Hope campaign, this 2015-2016 effort aims to raise a minimum of $80 million. The campaign will be conducted in the 186 parishes of Brooklyn and Queens, inviting the more than 1.5 million Catholics in the diocese to participate.

Generations of Faith, named after the numerous generations of Catholics raised and living in the many tightknit neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens, will focus on three main goals: to strengthen the parishes of Brooklyn and Queens (50%), serve and care for senior priests (37.5%), and foster the formation of the Catholic faith for future generations (12.5%). Read more »

Brooklyn Diocese Hosts Media Conference; Prepares For Pope Francis Arrival To U.S.

Our 2017 World Communications Day Catholic Media Conference is May 17 at the BRIC Arts Media House in Brooklyn. Learn More and Sign Up

On Wednesday, May 13th, the Diocese of Brooklyn will host its 24th Annual World Communications Day Catholic Media Conference at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge, 333 Adams Street, Downtown Brooklyn. In preparation for Pope Francis’ first pastoral visit to the United States in September, the conference will focus on how to cover the Holy Father and provide insights on what to expect from his visit.

During the event, the diocese will honor Austen Ivereigh with the St. Francis DeSales Distinguished Communicator Award. He will also be the principal speaker for the occasion.

Austen Ivereigh, Ph.D., is a British writer, journalist, and commentator, and author of the internationally acclaimed biography The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope, published in the English-speaking world last Fall. He is also the co-founder and director of the international media project Catholic Voices, a project to train ordinary people to make the case for the Church on contentious issues in the media. His work also includes the books Faithful Citizens: a Practical Guide to Catholic Social Teaching and Community Organising, Catholic Voices: Putting the Case for the Church in the Era of 24-Hour News, and How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice. Read more »