The Death of Reverend Edward Brophy


310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215
Phone: 718.399.5990
Fax: 718.399.5934

Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Reverend
Edward Brophy, Pastor Emeritus of Saint Edmund (Brooklyn). Father Brophy was born on April 3,
1939, in Brooklyn, New York, was ordained to the Priesthood on May 22, 1993, and died Tuesday,
March 31, 2020, at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, in Queens N.Y.
Father Brophy served the Diocese of Brooklyn as Parochial Vicar of the parish of Saint Clare
(Rosedale), and Pastor of Saint Edmund (Brooklyn).

All arrangements and burial are private.
A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at a later date.

If you wish to send condolences, please mail to his godson, Glen Katowski, 31 Rosewood Lane,
Wantagh, NY 11793.

Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family and friends. May he rest in
the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord.

Reverend Monsignor Steven Aguggia, J.C.L.

Death Notice of a Priest – Brophy, Rev. Edward[1]

La diócesis de Brooklyn anuncia la muerte de un querido sacerdote a causa del coronavirus



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 


La diócesis de Brooklyn anuncia la muerte de un querido sacerdote a causa del coronavirus

(English version is posted below, The Diocese of Brooklyn Announces the Death of a Beloved Pastor Due to Coronavirus)

Mons. Nicholas DiMarzio, obispo de Brooklyn, anuncia con pesar la muerte del padre Jorge Ortiz-Garay, de 49 años, párroco de la iglesia de Santa Brígida en Wyckoff Heights, Brooklyn, y coordinador diocesano la pastoral para inmigrantes mexicanos. El sacerdote murió el viernes 27 de marzo de 2020 en el Wyckoff Hospital Medical Center en Brooklyn por complicaciones relacionadas con el coronavirus y todo parece indicar que es el primer sacerdote católico en los Estados Unidos que fallece a causa del Covid-19.

“Este es un día triste y una enorme pérdida para la Diócesis de Brooklyn. El padre Jorge fue un gran sacerdote, querido por la comunidad mexicana y un trabajador incansable para todos los fieles en Brooklyn y Queens”, dijo Mons. DiMarzio. Vea los videos en inglés y en español con las declaraciones del obispo por el fallecimiento del padre Ortiz.

El padre Jorge, como todos lo llamaban, nació el 16 de octubre de 1970 en la Ciudad de México, México. Fue ordenado sacerdote en la Arquidiócesis de Newark como miembro del Camino Neocatecumenal, el 29 de mayo de 2004.

Llegó a la Diócesis de Brooklyn en el año 2009 y ministró por primera vez en la Concatedral de San José en Prospect Heights, mientras también servía como capellán para la misión Ad Gentes en Brooklyn. En 2014, comenzó a servir como Administrador en Santa Brígida y el 13 de julio de 2019, se instaló como párroco. El 10 de diciembre de 2019, fue incardinado en la Diócesis, lo que significa que se convirtió oficialmente en sacerdote de la Diócesis de Brooklyn.

El padre Jorge fue el coordinador de las espectaculares tradiciones de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en la Diócesis de Brooklyn, que incluyen una misa a la que asisten miles de fieles, seguida de una peregrinación con antorchas por las calles de Brooklyn y Queens.

Más adelante se celebrará una misa en su honor. Al sacerdote le sobreviven sus padres, Jorge y Estrella Ortiz, sus hermanos, sobrinas y sobrinos.

Rezamos por el descanso de su alma y el consuelo de su familia, amigos y toda la comunidad a la que sirvió en la Diócesis de Brooklyn. Que descanse en la paz de Cristo resucitado.


Declaración en video de Mons. Nicholas DiMarzio en español:

Se adjuntan fotos del padre Jorge Ortiz-Garay.

Foto 1: Cortesia DeSales Media Group

Foto 2: Cortesia The Tablet

Foto 3: Cortesia The Tablet

Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 12 de diciembre de 2019. Cortesía de Currents News/NET-TV

Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 12 de diciembre de 2018. Cortesía de Currents News/NET-TV




The Diocese of Brooklyn Announces the Death of a Beloved Pastor Due to Coronavirus



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 


The Diocese of Brooklyn Announces the Death of a Beloved Pastor Due to Coronavirus

The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to announce the death of 49-year-old Father Jorge Ortiz-Garay, Pastor of St. Brigid’s Church in Wyckoff Heights, Brooklyn and Diocesan Coordinator of the Ministry to Mexican immigrants. He died Friday evening, March 27, 2020, at Wyckoff Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn from complications related to the coronavirus and is believed to be the first Catholic priest in the United States to die as a result of COVID-19. 

“This is a sad day and a tremendous loss for the Diocese of Brooklyn. Father Jorge was a great priest, beloved by the Mexican people and a tireless worker for all of the faithful in Brooklyn and Queens,” said Bishop DiMarzio. A video statement from the Bishop on Father Ortiz’s passing can be found below in English and Spanish.

 Father Jorge, as he was called, was born on October 16, 1970, in Mexico City, Mexico. He was ordained to the Priesthood at the Archdiocese of Newark as a member of the Neocatechumenal Way on May 29, 2004.

He arrived at the Diocese of Brooklyn in 2009 and first ministered at St. Joseph’s in Prospect Heights while also serving as the Chaplain for the mission Ad Gentes in Brooklyn. In 2014, he began serving as Administrator at St. Brigid’s and on July 13, 2019, was installed as the Pastor. On December 10, 2019, he was incardinated into the Diocese, which means he officially became a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

Father Jorge coordinated the magnificent Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day traditions in the Diocese of Brooklyn, which include a Mass attended by thousands of pilgrims followed by a torch-lit pilgrimage through the streets of Brooklyn and Queens.

A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at a later date. Fr. Jorge is survived by his parents, Jorge and Estella Ortiz, siblings, nieces and nephews.

We pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family, friends and all those to whom he ministered to in the Diocese of Brooklyn. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord.

Bishop DiMarzio’s video statement in English:

Bishop DiMarzio’s video statement in Spanish:

Photos of Father Jorge Ortiz-Garay are attached.


Two Additional Coronavirus Cases Confirmed at Diocese of Brooklyn Church Communities



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Two Additional Coronavirus Cases Confirmed at

Diocese of Brooklyn Church Communities


The Diocese of Brooklyn is announcing it has learned of two confirmed cases of the coronavirus at two church communities in the Diocese of Brooklyn.

One case has been reported at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Astoria, Queens. The employee last worked at the rectory on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

One case has been reported at St. Agatha in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The individual is the children’s choir director and last attended the 7 p.m. Mass on Saturday, March 14, 2020.

As a result of this information, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Agatha are undergoing deep cleaning and sanitization, with approved disinfectants, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms, call your healthcare provider, per guidelines issued by the CDC.

The Diocese of Brooklyn canceled all Masses, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, and closed all churches and rectories until further notice beginning on Friday, March 20, 2020, at noon.

At all times, but especially now, the safety and well-being of our faith community is our primary concern. The Diocese of Brooklyn will continue to deliver important information in a timely manner.



Parishioner has Died of the Coronavirus



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 


Diocese of Brooklyn Reports a Parishioner has Died of the Coronavirus

Five Additional Cases Reported in Diocesan Church Communities

The Diocese of Brooklyn regrets to announce an elderly parishioner from Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Jamaica, Queens has died of the coronavirus. The parishioner was last at the church on Sunday, March 15, 2020, at the 1 p.m. Mass. Our hearts and prayers are with this parish family during this difficult time.

Additional coronavirus cases have been reported today in the following church communities:

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Jamaica, Queens – there is a confirmed case of the coronavirus of an individual who last attended Mass on Sunday, March 15, 2020, at 11 a.m.

St. Patrick’s Church in Long Island City, Queens – there is a confirmed case of the coronavirus of an individual who last attended 12:10 Mass on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at the chapel in the Church; the individual then attended a meeting in the rectory basement.

St. Michael’s Church in Sunset Park, Brooklyn – there is a confirmed case of the coronavirus of an individual who works at the rectory.  The individual last worked on the evenings of Tuesday, March 17, 2020, and Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

St. Therese of Lisieux Convent in Brooklyn – a sister who lives at the convent has tested positive for the coronavirus. She last volunteered at St. Catherine of Genoa – St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Academy on Thursday, March 12, 2020.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Kensington, Brooklyn – a choir member has a confirmed case of the coronavirus. The individual was last at a church fundraising event on Saturday, March 14, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. at the school gym (Brooklyn Prospect Charter School). The choir member last attended Mass at 11:45 a.m. on Sunday, March 15, 2020.

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms, call your healthcare provider, per guidelines issued by the CDC.

As a result of this information, all of the locations mentioned above are undergoing a deep cleaning and sanitization, with approved disinfectants, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Diocese of Brooklyn canceled all Masses, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, and closed all churches and rectories until further notice beginning on Friday, March 20, 2020, at noon.

At all times, but especially now, the safety and well-being of our faith community is our primary concern. The Diocese of Brooklyn will continue to deliver important information in a timely manner.



Five people test positive for the Coronavirus in the Diocese of Brooklyn including Three Priests



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Five people test positive for the Coronavirus in the Diocese of Brooklyn including Three Priests

         The Diocese of Brooklyn is announcing it has learned three priests have confirmed cases of the coronavirus at churches in Brooklyn and Queens as well as a couple.


St. Brigid Church in Bushwick, Brooklyn – the priest who tested positive for the coronavirus last celebrated the 11 a.m. Mass on March 15, 2020.


         St. Gabriel’s Church in East Elmhurst, Queens – the priest who tested positive for the coronavirus last participated in the reposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 7 p.m.


         Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish in Ozone Park, Queens – the priest who tested positive for the coronavirus led a trip to the Holy Land that left on March 6, 2020, and returned March 16, 2020.


Our Lady of the Angelus Church in Rego Park, Queens – the couple who tested positive for the coronavirus was last at the church for Stations of the Cross and Mass at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 13, 2020.


As a result of this information, the above Churches have undergone or will undergo a deep cleaning and sanitization, with approved disinfectants, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms, call your healthcare provider, per guidelines issued by the CDC.


The Diocese of Brooklyn canceled all Masses, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, and closed all churches and rectories until further notice beginning on Friday, March 20, 2020, at noon.


At all times, but especially now, the safety and well-being of our faith community is our primary concern. The Diocese of Brooklyn will continue to deliver important information in a timely manner.




One Coronavirus Case Confirmed at Holy Spirit Church in Brooklyn




Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

One Coronavirus Case Confirmed at Holy Spirit Church in Brooklyn


The Diocese of Brooklyn is announcing it has learned of a confirmed case of the coronavirus at Holy Spirit Church in Borough Park, Brooklyn.


The individual last attended Stations of the Cross on March 13, 2020, at 7 p.m. and the noon Mass on Sunday, March 15, 2020.


As a result of this information, Holy Spirit Church will undergo a deep cleaning and sanitization, with approved disinfectants, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms, call your healthcare provider, per guidelines issued by the CDC.


The Diocese of Brooklyn canceled all Masses, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, and closed all churches and rectories until further notice beginning on Friday, March 20, 2020, at noon.


At all times, but especially now, the safety and well-being of our faith community is our primary concern. The Diocese of Brooklyn will continue to deliver important information in a timely manner.



Two Coronavirus Cases Confirmed at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Astoria



Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Two Coronavirus Cases Confirmed at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Astoria


The Diocese of Brooklyn today is announcing it has learned of two confirmed cases of the coronavirus at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Astoria, Queens.

One individual last attended a bible study group meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at the parish center. The other, a child, last attended religious education class at the parish center on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.

As a result of this information, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and the parish center are presently undergoing a deep cleaning and sanitization, with approved disinfectants, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms, call your healthcare provider, per guidelines issued by the CDC.

The Diocese of Brooklyn canceled all Masses, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, and closed all churches and rectories until further notice beginning on Friday, March 20, 2020, at noon.

At all times, but especially now, the safety and well-being of our faith community is our primary concern. The Diocese of Brooklyn will continue to deliver important information in a timely manner.






Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 



The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, has released the following video recorded from the Chapel in his residence, on this the Fourth Sunday of Lent, for the members of the faithful of Brooklyn and Queens and beyond.

Bishop DiMarzio speaks about the practice of spiritual communion which has long been part of the Church. The practice is something the great saints implemented when they could not receive the Holy Eucharist during times when communion was not as available as it is today.

“When it is not possible for us to go to Church, we can ask the Lord to come to our hearts and unite ourselves with the Lord. For many of us it is a great and new practice,” said Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

In the video, Bishop DiMarzio also addresses the Sacrament of Reconciliation, encouraging like the Pope, to make a good act of contrition to prepare for when we have the chance for confession. The Bishop also encourages the faithful to do a personal natural penance, especially in this time of isolation, where there are many things we don’t like but have to do.

“During this time of confinement, we are not far from God’s grace, not far from the Eucharist, and not far even from the forgiveness of our sins. Keep these things in mind as these days go on. Ask the Lord to come to you, to come to your heart, to bring you His Grace, to bring you His Forgiveness,” concluded Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

The link of the full video can be found at





Adriana Rodriguez

John Quaglione 

Four More Coronavirus Cases Confirmed at

Diocese of Brooklyn Church Communities


The Diocese of Brooklyn today is announcing it has learned of four confirmed cases of the coronavirus within several parish communities in the Diocese.

St. Kevin’s Church in Flushing, Queens – a choir member has tested positive for the coronavirus. The choir member last attended Mass at noon on Sunday, March 15, 2020, and was at the choir loft during the entire Mass.

St. Rose of Lima Church in Rockaway Beach, Queens – a priest has tested positive for the coronavirus. He last celebrated Mass at 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 15, 2020.

Our Lady of Charity in Crown Heights, Brooklyn – a member of the choir tested positive for the coronavirus. The individual was last at 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 15, 2020.

Diocesan Headquarters at 310 Prospect Park West in Park Slope, Brooklyn – there is one confirmed case of an individual who attended the Annual Lenten Reflection on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. The individual attended the evening session and the dinner before the session.

Anyone who was at the above locations during the noted dates and/or times and is concerned about exposure, contact your doctor. If you experience symptoms like fever, cough, or shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately.

As a result of this information, all of the locations mentioned above are undergoing a deep cleaning and sanitization, with approved disinfectants, following guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Diocese of Brooklyn canceled all Masses, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, and closed all churches and rectories until further notice beginning on Friday, March 20, 2020, at noon.

At all times, but especially now, the safety and well-being of our faith community is our primary concern. The Diocese of Brooklyn will continue to deliver important information in a timely manner.

