Catholic Moms Group to Meet on Thursday Afternoon

March 17, 2014 – The Catholic Moms Group of NYC helps to support and affirm women in the many roles they play in today’s busy world: mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends. The women in this ministry are bonded by their vocation and their Catholic faith. Moms of all ages and stages, as well as their children, are welcome to attend and share the struggles and joys of motherhood.

The group will meet this Thursday, March 20, from noon to 2PM at 1 Sylvan Terrace in Manhattan (see map). If you have any questions, please contact Kree Pena at 347-902-8966 or

“Sharing the Light of Faith” by Bishop DiMarzio

Click to enlarge poster

March 13, 2014 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep,” Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

The 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal will be formally announced throughout our Diocese this weekend. When you support the Appeal, you are providing more than just material needs. Through strong, faith-based ministries, you are actually sharing your faith with others. Taken from Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Lumen Fidei,” we have chosen for our 2014 Appeal the theme, “When We Give, We Share The Light Of Faith.”

Each ministry is strongly rooted in and supports Catholic values every day. When our ministries serve those in need, our faith shines into the world like a strong and welcomed light. Your support allows Catholic ministries to help others and to respond to the Holy Father’s call to serve the least among us.

The Annual Catholic Appeal is an excellent way for us to improve the human existence for so many of our brothers and sisters right here in the Diocese of Brooklyn.

Networking Event This Friday for Catholic College Alumni

college-logos-for-catholic-alumni-receptionMarch 11, 2014 – Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens is hosting the NYC Catholic Alumni Networking Reception this Friday night, March 14, at the New York Athletic Club at 180 Central Park South.

The event is a chance for alumni from Catholic colleges all over the country to connect. The reception will be held from 6 to 8PM in the ninth floor ballroom and will feature an open bar and hors d’oeuvres for just $30.

More information is available here or by emailing Martin Haggerty at, and you can register here.


Cardinal Dolan and Bishop DiMarzio lead press conference to Support Education Investment Tax Credit

Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio are among the leaders who will hold a press conference today to support a bill that would strengthen public school programs and support scholarships for low-income and working families, by creating a state tax credit for charitable donations.

The news conference will be at 10AM in the Cathedral High School Gymnasium at 350 East 56th Street, near 1st Avenue. For more on the news conference, please see this press release. For more information on this issue, see these editorials from the New York Post:

Unions united for better education
The New Diversity

Cardinal Dolan, Labor Leaders, Faith Leaders, Business Leaders, Parents and Students Unite Behind Education Investment Tax Credit

With labor leaders representing more than 255,000 working women and men, group urges Gov. Cuomo and Legislature to include plan in new state budget

WHO: Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archdiocese of New York
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
Patrick J. Lynch, President, NYPD PBA, nation’s largest law enforcement union
Steve Cassidy, President, FDNY UFA, representing over 7000 FDNY fire fighters
Tom Mungeer, President, NYS Troopers PBA, representing over 5000 State Troopers
Dennis Quirk, President, NYS Court Officers Assn., with over 3,600 court officers
Ed Mullins, NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Assn., with 11,000 active and retired sergeants
Patrick Cullen, President, NYS Supreme Court Officers Assn., with 2,400 active and retired members
Rabbi Yehiel M. Kalish, Agudath Israel
Robert Catell, former Chairman, New York City Partnership, Key Span
Parents and student beneficiaries of scholarship programs

WHEN: Today, March 10, 2014 – 10AM
WHAT: News conference urging Gov. Cuomo and Legislature to support bill that will strengthen public
school programs and support scholarships for low-income and working families, by creating a state
tax credit for charitable donations.

MEDIA CONTACT: Joseph Zwilling,, 646-794-2997
Bob Bellafiore,, 518-928-8471
More than 55 organizations support the Education Investment Tax Credit.

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Trust Advances Catholic Education

Thanks to the generosity of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust, various programs and initiatives which serve the mission of Catholic education within the Diocese of Brooklyn have been made possible.  Three of the programs and initiatives funded: the CTB Online Reporting System, the Performing Arts Residency Program, and Option C, have helped to make advancements in the areas of assessment, the arts, and administration.

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March Young Adult Mass Is Tuesday Night

Fr. James Massa, Moderator of the Curia and Vicar for Evangelization for the Diocese of Brooklyn, will celebrate a special mass for young adults (ages 21-39) in the main chapel at the Diocesan offices on Tuesday, March 11, at 7:30PM.

We will also be collecting coats and blankets for the needy. After the celebration of the liturgy, the group will make its way to a local bar/restaurant for fellowship and fun.

The Diocesan offices are at 310 Prospect Park West in Brooklyn. For more information, e-mail Paul Morisi at, and you can tell us you’re coming on Facebook.