RCIA Adapted for Children

Unbaptized children who are 8 years old (usually in Grade 3) through Grade 8 in our parishes or our schools and academies should have a catechumenal preparation of a minimum of 3 years and then be fully initiated at the Easter Vigil or at one of the Sundays of Easter. The Church mandate since 1988 is that children who fall into this age bracket cannot receive the sacraments of initiation separated from one another, but rather all three sacraments at one celebration. Unbaptized children under 8 years of age should be baptized according to the Infant Rite.

The Faith Formation Office provides and facilitates training, resources, and consultation for the Coordinating Team and catechists for the various aspects of this process. These opportunities are also available in Spanish.

Joann Roa
Coordinator, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Catechetical Programs
718-965-7300, ext 2440