310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Office of the Diocesan Bishop
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Most Rev. Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn
Christina Morreale, Personal Secretary
Deacon Jaime Varela, Special Assistant
Kelly Rodriguez, Executive Assistant
Office of the Vicar General
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Monsignor Joseph R. Grimaldi, Vicar General
Tina Mazza, Executive Assistant
Ileana Tavarez, Administrative Assistant
Office of the Chancellor
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Rev. Msgr. Steven Aguggia, J.C.L.,V.E.,S.T.L. – Chancellor, saguggia@diobrook.org
Rev. Jeremias E. Castillo, J.C.L – Vice Chancellor, jecastillo@diobrook.org
Rev. Robert Mucci, J.C.L – Vice Chancellor, rmucci@diobrook.org
America Michelle Granillo, Executive Assistant, agranillo@diobrook.org
Janny Ortiz- Administrative Assistant, jaortiz@diobrook.org
Lilian Guallpa, Administrative Assistant, lguallpa@diobrook.org
Office of the Moderator of the Curia
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Very Reverend Patrick J. Keating, Esq.
Nancy Pardo, Executive Assistant, ext. 1032 – npardo@diobrook.org
(The following offices are listed in alphabetical order)
Office of Accounting / Comptroller
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Office of Administrative Services
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Antonia Sciara, ext. 1316
Maureen Maloy, ext. 1157
Mail Room, ext. 1155
Office for Clergy Personnel
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Deacon Julio C. Barreneche, Secretary for Clergy Personnel, ext. 5610
Teresa Goris, ext. 5612
Michael Mutone ext. 1030
Hospital and Healthcare Chaplaincy Program
Deacon Julio C. Barreneche, Coordinator of the Hospital and Healthcare Chaplaincy Program, ext. 5610
Denise Thomas, ext. 2134
Office of Censors of Books
Location and Contact for All Inquiries:
Office of the Censors of Books
c/o The Chancellor
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, New York 11215
curia@diobrook.org (Subj. Censors of Books)
Diocesan Censors:
Rev. Michael J.S. Bruno, S.T.D.
Rev. John P. Cush, S.T.D
Rev. Msgr. John J. Strynkowski, S.T.D.
Office of Diaconate Formation
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Dr. Deacon John Cantirino – Coordinator, jcantirino@diobrook.org
Maria Plasencia – Administrative Assistant, mplasencia@diobrook.org
Office of Ecumenical & Interreligious Affairs
2154 61st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Very Rev. Michael J. Lynch, STL
Vicar for Ecumenical & Interreligious Affairs
Pastor of St. Athanasius-St. Dominic Parish
Office of Diocesan Archives
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
718-965-7300. Fax: 718-965-7302
Joseph Coen, Archivist, ext. 1001
Charlie Donahoe, ext. 1003
William Pinkava, ext. 1002
For additional assistance regarding sacramental records, please contact ext. 1003. For additional assistance regarding student records from closed schools and parishes, please contact ext. 1002.
Office of Diocesan Liturgy
The Immaculate Conception Center
7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362
Rev. Alonzo Q. Cox – Director, acox@diobrook.org
Christine Dost – Administrative Assistant, cdost@diobrook.org
Office of Episcopal Delegate for Religious
310 Prospect Park West,
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Sr. Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, S.C., mlopiccolo@diobrook.org
Office of Financial Administration and Econome
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Very Rev. Patrick J. Keating, Esq., Econome and Vicar for Financial Administration
Office of Human Resources
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Sandra Caban, Executive Assistant, ext. 1302, scaban@diobrook.org
Robin Belle, HR Generalist, ext. 1077, Rbelle@diobrook.org
Christopher A. Miller, HR Manager, ext. 1303, cmiller@diobrook.org
Antonia Sciara, Office Administrator, ext. 1316, asciara@diobrook.org
Rose O’Loughlin, Administrative Assistant, Pension Billing, 403(b) Plan, ext. 1306, roloughlin@diobrook.org
Mary Anne Page, HR Training Coordinator, ext. 2164, mpage@diobrook.org
Vanessa Wong, HRIS Assistant, ext. 2400, vwong@diobrook.org
Joyce Donaldson, Pension Specialist, ext. 1308, jdonaldson@diobrook.org
Diana Veloza, Chief Human Resources Officer, ext. 1312, dveloza@diobrook.org
HR Service Center for Parishes, Schools & Academies
Deacon Thomas Page, HR Field Representative, ext. 5308, tpage@diobrook.org
Sarah Moffitt, HR Service Center Representative, ext. 5303, smoffitt@diobrook.org
Pension Division
Managed by USI Consulting Group, 866-305-8846 Plan Code 488
Group Medical Insurance Trust, Health Benefits Office
7200 Douglaston Parkway, Suite 114
Douglaston, NY 11362
Colleen Sloan, Assistant Director, ext. 1311, csloan@diobrook.org
Loretta Scheer, Senior Benefits Specialist, ext. 1305, lscheer@diobrook.org
Louise Marie Botelho, Administrator Assistant, ext. 2412, lbotelho@diobrook.org
Office of Information Systems
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Help Desk Ph: 718-965-7377 email: helpdesk@diobrook.org
Gustavo Garcia, Chief Information Officer
The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Maryellen Quinn, Director x2105
Elizabeth Harris, Victim Assistance Coordinator and 1722 Monitor, ext. 1013
Office of Safe Environment
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
718-965-7300, Fax: 718-281-9673
Maryellen Quinn, Coordinator of the Safe Environment Office, ext. 2107
Anne-Marie Leone, ext. 2106
Maryanne Behan, ext. 2108
Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Rev. James Kuroly, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, 718-592-6800, jkuroly@diobrook.org
Lucia Morales, Associate Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, 718-399-5989, lmorales@diobrook.org
Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Rev. Joseph Gibino, Vicar for Evangelization and Catechesis 718-399-5985, jgibino@diobrook.org
Dr. Deacon John Cantirino, Diaconate Formation Coordinator, 718- 281-9576, jcantirino@diobrook.org
Christine Georgi, Registrar and Interim Administrative Assistant to the Vicar, 718-399-5984, cgeorgi@diobrook.org
Nelsa Elías, Director of Children’s Faith Formation & Catechesis, 718-399-5987, nelias@diobrook.org
Christian Rada, Director of Marriage, Family Life and Respect Life Education, 718-399-5982, crada@diobrook.org
Joann Roa, Director, Adult Faith Formation, 718-399-5986, jroa@diobrook.org
Maria Plasencia, Administrative Assistant, 718-399-5983, mplasencia@diobrook.org
Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Phone: 718-965-7300
FAX: 718-965-7353
More contact information
Office of the Tribunal
Immaculate Conception Center
7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362
718-229-8131, Fax: 718-631-1339
Very Rev. Francis K. Asagba, D.Min, J.C.L, Judicial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Jonas Achacoso, J.C.D, Adjutant Judicial Vicar
Rev. Sebastian T. Andro, J.C.D, Adjutant Judicial Vicar
Sister Bernadette M. Izzo, O.P., Judge
Rev. Aloysius Enemali, J.C.D, Defender of the Bond
Deacon Marco Lopez, Notary
Aida Jorge, Administrative Assistant
Lizbeth Ugarte, Administrative Assistant
Nora Ugarte, Administrative Assistant
Office of Victim Assistance Ministry
Office of Victim Assistance Ministry
Office of Vocations
7200 Douglaston Pkwy.
Douglaston, NY 11362
718-827-2454 Fax: 718-827-2167
Fr. Christopher J. Bethge, Vocations Director
Christine Dost- Administrative Assistant, ext. 1701
Pilgrimage Office
310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Ph: (718) 965-7313
Very Rev. Joseph R. Gibino, Director
Christine Georgi, Interim Administrative Assistant
Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens
191 Joralemon Street
Brooklyn, NY, 11201
Rev. Msgr. Alfred P. LoPinto, Vicar for Human Services
Very Rev. Patrick J. Keating, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Catholic Cemeteries
80-01 Metropolitan Avenue
Middle Village, NY 11379
Elaine Nicodemo, Executive Director
Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens
243 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Main Line: 718-965-7375
John Notaro, Executive Director
Catholic Migration Services
47-01 Queens Blvd., Suite 201, Sunnyside, NY 11104
191 Joralemon Street, 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Very Rev. Patrick J. Keating, Chief Executive Officer
David Colodny, Director of Legal Services
Catholic Youth Organization
7200 Douglaston Pkwy.
Douglaston, NY 11362
Keith Goldberg, Director
Charismatic Renewal Office
PO Box 340683
2000 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234
718-377-4101, FAX: 718-377-4102
Josephine Cachia, Director, crobkny@aol.com
DeSales Media Group, Inc.
860 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, NY 11238
Rev. Msgr. Sean G. Ogle, Chairman
718-499-9705, sogle@desalesmedia.org
Adriana Rodriguez, Press Secretary
718-517-3143, arodriguez@desalesmedia.org
John Quaglione, Deputy Press Secretary
718-517-3112, jquaglione@desalesmedia.org
Futures in Education
243 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Main Line: 718-965-7308
Scholarship Inquiries: 718-965-7340
Scholarship Email: scholarships@futuresineducation.org
John Notaro, Executive Director
Parish Services Corporation
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Rev. Msgr. David Cassato, M.Div., M.S.Ed., President
John Borgia, Vice President, jborgia@diobrook.org
Martin J. McManus, C.P.A., Treasurer, mmcmanus@diobrook.org
Brian T. Cosgrove, Secretary, (718) 965-7381, bcosgrove@diobrook.org
Jasmine Clemente, Administrative Assistant
Paul Radulski, Assistant Manager
William King, Assistant Risk Manager
Propagation of the Faith
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
718 965-7300
718 965-7326 (Direct Line)
718 965-7325 (Fax)
Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Diocesan Director, ext. 1201, tahern@diobrook.org
Deacon Louis J. Panico, Associate Director, ext. 1212, lpanico@diobrook.org
Kara Schmidt, Administrative Assistant, ext. 1216, kschmidt@diobrook.org
Rocklyn Asset Corp.
243 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Coleen A. Ceriello, Executive Director, cceriello@rocklynasset.org
Robert Dadona, Director of Capital Projects, rdadona@rocklynasset.org
Greg Roach, Director of Facilities Engineering, groach@rocklynasset.org
Emily Fiero, Director of Leasing, efiero@rocklynasset.org
Heidi Swanson, Director of Compliance, hswanson@rocklynasset.org
Mike Wald, Director of Finance and Accounting, mwald@rocklynasset.org