Coat Donations at Tonight’s Young Adult Mass

November 12, 2013 – The Young Adult Mass takes place tonight at 7:30 PM in the main chapel at the Diocesan Offices (310 Prospect Park West in Brooklyn).

Young adults ages 21-39 are invited to celebrate liturgy together, then gather at a local bar for fellowship.

Before mass begins, the group will be collecting new and gently used winter coats and blankets for Midnight Run, a consortium of synagogues, schools and civic groups that distributes food, clothing and blankets to the homeless poor of New York City.
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Statement by the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., D.D., Bishop of Brooklyn

November 12, 2013 – As Bishop of Brooklyn, it was with great sadness and reluctance that the Diocese was left with no other option than to initiate a lawsuit against Christ the King High School. I wish to personally assure each and every student, faculty member, and parent of Christ the King High School that the Diocese of Brooklyn has no intent or desire to seek the closing of your High School. It is also necessary for me to correct a number of unfortunate misstatements that have been reported in the press this past week concerning the lawsuit.

The lawsuit was commenced on November 4, 2013, after two years of futile and disappointing negotiations with the Board of Trustees of the High School. The Diocese had requested that the Board of Trustees reaffirm the 1976 agreement which established the parameters for the conveyance of the property to the High School some 37 years ago. Included in the 1976 agreement was a binding commitment on the part of the High School that if the Board of Trustees no longer maintained and operated a Catholic high school, that the property would be returned to the Diocese.
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“Governing Our New Academies” by Bishop DiMarzio

November 8, 2013 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep,” Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

“As I reflect upon the New Evangelization, I also contemplate the various roles and ministries embraced within it. Catholic schools and academies certainly remain a vital component. One may recall the words of Blessed John Paul II: “Catholic schools are at once places of evangelization, of complete formation, of inculturation, of apprenticeship in a lively dialogue between young people of different religions and social backgrounds.”

It is with this profound vision of Catholic education that the Diocese of Brooklyn launched the Preserving the Vision Strategic Plan for its elementary schools in 2008. Developed together by clergy, lay people, educators and professionals of various fields, Preserving the Vision is, most simply, a strategic planning process to ensure the success and vitality of Catholic education within our diocese. With numerous goals and strategies, it is an ongoing initiative taking place in every Catholic school and academy. It is a living process that continuously grows and develops.
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Eparchy of Saint Maron’s Annual Benefit Dinner Set for November 21

Bishop Gregory John Mansour
Bishop Gregory John Mansour

November 8, 2013 – Maronite Catholics and friends from the greater New York area will gather on Thursday, November 21, at the Archdiocese of New York Building (1011 First Avenue) for the Fourth Annual Benefit Dinner for the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn.

Proceeds from the Benefit Dinner will be used to educate seminarians, support poorer parishes and missions, make structural repairs to the Cathedral and assist retired priests. Bishop Gregory John Mansour stated, “I invite all of the faithful of the Eparchy, and every person of good will, to attend or support this year’s Benefit Dinner in Manhattan.”

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Diocese of Brooklyn Sues Christ the King

November 6, 2013 – After two years of futile negotiations, the Diocese of Brooklyn was reluctantly left with no other recourse but to sue Christ the King High School for refusing to re-affirm a longstanding covenant to return the school property to the Diocese under certain limited circumstances and for conducting, without the prior consent of the Diocese, various enterprises unrelated to a Catholic high school.

It remains the Diocese’s fervent and prayerful hope that each of the Catholic high schools, including Christ the King, will continue to prosper and serve the children of Brooklyn and Queens.
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Annual Fall Benefit at Time Warner Center

November 5, 2013 – On November 7th, Catholic Migration Services will hold their Annual Fall Benefit from 6-8 PM at One Time Warner Center. The Benefit will feature live music and light refreshments.

Hosted by Time Warner, the event provides an opportunity for guests to network with staff and learn more about how CMS is improving the immigrant experience in Brooklyn and Queens.

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Young Adult Mass, November 12 at 310 Prospect Park

November 4, 2013 – Young adults ages 21-39 are invited to celebrate Mass and enjoy fellowship on Tuesday, November 12 at 7:30 PM. Mass will be held at the main chapel at the diocesan offices, 310 Prospect Park, in Brooklyn.

Contact Paul Morisi with any questions at 718-965-7300 x 5556 or

For more information about young adult programs, visit the Faith Formation section of the Diocese website.

“Scarred But Not Broken” by Bishop DiMarzio

 October 31, 2013 – Excerpted from “Put Out Into the Deep,” Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

“Hurricane Sandy has scarred the lives of many families in our Diocese. Even after a year, some of our families have yet to move back into their own homes. Others families are permanently displaced. The trauma that was inflicted was financial, physical and psychological. We were all impacted, but to some, the super storm was devastating.

…In the days and weeks after Sandy, I visited the Rockaway Peninsula. The mountains of debris, the houses washed away, the stranded cars and sand made me wonder if we could ever recover.

As Bishop of Brooklyn, I am especially grateful to our priests whose leadership was critical to the local communities most impacted. Though many of them had lost their own homes, they soldiered on, attending to the needs of others.

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Healing Mass for One-Year Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy

October 25, 2013 – On Tuesday, October 29th at 7:30 p.m., on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, family and friends of one of the hardest hit parishes in the Diocese of Brooklyn will gather for a commemoration and healing Mass at St. Mary Star of the Sea in Far Rockaway.

After the super storm, thousands in this community flocked to the parish for relief. Within days, a disaster relief center was set up at the parish’s St. Gertrude’s location in nearby Edgemere, which helped many residents, both Catholic and non-Catholic.
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