Decree of Reduction

Whereas, the historic church of SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, dedicated in 1848, was demolished in 1957 after years of disrepair due to a fire;

Whereas, the current church, located at 82 South Second Street, between Berry Street and Wythe Ave, was from its construction provisional in nature;

Whereas, the changing population demographics and financial challenges faced by the parish present serious concerns for the future stability of the Parish of Ss. Peter and Paul;

Whereas, Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, Administrator of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, after having consulted the members of the faithful and having determined that the care of the souls would not be harmed has requested the current church structure as part of a larger strategic plan to ensure the future vibrancy of Ss. Peter and Paul…

Click here to read the full text of the Decree (original document).

Theology On Tap: November 2015

Join us for the next two editions of Theology On Tap! The first takes place on Tuesday, November 10 with special guest Fr. Kevin Abels discussing Pope Francis and the Joy of the Gospel. The second edition is Tuesday, November 24 with Fr. Carlos Velasquez and he will be discussing the Liturgy: Where Heaven Meets Earth. Both of these events take place at Donovan’s Pub in Woodside. Don’t miss the action! Read more »

‘Steps To Strengthen Marriage’ by Bishop DiMarzio

November 4, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Family life is beautiful and important. It is in a family that a child comes to know that he or she is loved and first learns to love others. It is in the family where a child first recognizes the gift of faith and the obligations of charity. While beautiful and important, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, also reminds us that no family is perfect.

As you know, Pope Francis convened the Synod of Bishops to discuss the theme of “The Vocation and Mission of The Family in The Church and in The Contemporary World.” Much of the conversation centered on the many challenges that face the family and how we as a Church might support those in distress. In his closing Mass for the Synod, the Holy Father reminded us “Jesus shows that he wants to hear our needs. He wants to talk with each of us about our lives, our real situations, so that nothing is kept from him.”

The bishops participating in the Synod were chosen by their brothers in each region of the world. A smaller number of bishops were invited to participate personally by the Holy Father. Also participating were representatives of the Orthodox Church and the leadership of our separated brethren in the Protestant community. Lastly, certain laymen and women who have particular expertise were invited to give voice to the many complex issues we face in our modern world.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Cross of the Encuentros

The National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors (NCDVD) is excited to share that the ‘Cross of the Encuentros,’ blessed by Pope Francis during his recent visit to the states to symbolize hispanic Catholics’ journey of faith, will be displayed in the Main Chapel at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception (440 West Neck Road, Huntington, NY 11743) on Thursday, October 29th for a special time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Read more »

‘Missions Have Universal Appeal’ By Bishop DiMarzio

October 21, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

Last week, we celebrated the Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch, one of the early Bishops of the Church who was ordained a bishop by the Apostles themselves. He was born in the Year 50 in Syria, and he died in Rome sometime after the Year 100 as a Martyr. His remains were taken back to Antioch, today the modern city of Aleppo, which is referred to frequently in news about the current war in Syria. I am not sure what remains of Aleppo. The ancient Antioch, crossroads of the world and a major stop on the trade route to the Far East, was a city of many cultures. It was also the founding site of the early Church, to which the name Christian was first applied.

Today, the title of Ignatius is passed on to the various Eastern Churches that venerate him as their founder. My good friend, Patriarch Ignatius Ephrem Joseph III Younan, is the Catholic patriarch of the Syriac Rite. His residence had been moved to Lebanon years ago because of the unstable situation in Syria.

St. Ignatius, whose feast we celebrated on Oct. 17, is a wonderful example of the founding bishops of the Church. His writings, although some are disputed in their origin, give us a wonderful understanding from the earliest days of the Church of the central tenets of our faith. Without dispute, he named the three parts of the sacrament of Holy Orders; Diaconate, Priesthood and Episcopacy. Ignatius attributed their foundation to Christ Himself. We also learned much about the doctrine of the Eucharist, as for the first time it is referred to as a “blessed sacrament.”

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.


Brooklyn, NY— Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio announced today that a comprehensive process of spiritual renewal will serve as a centerpiece of its evangelization efforts. This process, entitled ARISE Together in Christ, will be offered by RENEW International, and all parishes will have the opportunity to participate.

The groundwork has been laid over the past several months. With the bishop’s blessing, clergy, staff, and RENEW International team members have collaborated to plan this effort.

Speaking on the announcement, Bishop DiMarzio remarked, “RENEW’s process represents a timely and well-suited response to Pope Francis’ call for a new evangelization. It provides an excellent means for bringing together clergy, parishioners, and all members of our Catholic community in an endeavor centered on the loving and healing message of Jesus Christ.” Read more »

Futures In Education Raises Over $2 Million Benefitting Impoverished Students Of Brooklyn And Queens

On Thursday, October 15th, Futures in Education, the scholarship fund of the Diocese of Brooklyn, hosted its annual Scholarship Fund Dinner at the Grand Ballroom of The Waldorf Astoria New York in Manhattan. The event raised an overall of $2.3 million in scholarships for the deserving students of low-income families of Brooklyn and Queens to attend Catholic elementary schools and academies, overpassing the record set last year of $2.2 million.

“When you save one soul, you save the whole world. This is the same, we are working one child at a time. Thanks to God we are able to help nearly 6,000 deserving students with scholarships to stay in our schools,” said the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, during the event. Read more »


The 2015 Annual Bereavement Conference discusses End of Life Conversations and the Catholic Perspective.
The panel discussion features:
• The Conversation Project
• Rev. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P., Associate Professor, Providence College
• Calvary Hospice
• The Threshold Choir

Saturday, November 7th from 1:00-3:30 PM at St. Francis College, Brooklyn.

Read more »

Williamsburg Food Festival

This Sunday, October 4th, the Williamsburg Food Festival will be taking place rain or shine! Join us as we celebrate The Feast of St. Francis at the San Damiano Mission on Nassau Street at the former church of The Holy Family. The 2nd annual food festival is from 12:00pm-8:00pm.

There will be The Blessing of Animals, before and after our 2PM Mass. Please consider joining us for mass and staying for the Food Festival!

Read all about the new Franciscan Mission in Williamsburg in The Tablet article, Franciscans Reach Out to B’klyn’s Newest Residents.


Diocese of Brooklyn, Catholic Church, Franciscan Friars, Pope Francis