‘Developing A Sacramental Spirituality’ by Bishop DiMarzio

March 30, 2016 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

This is the full text of Bishop DiMarzio’s homily from the Chrism Mass celebrated at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, on Tuesday, March 22.

As we com­e to the Chrism Mass this Holy Week during the Year of Mercy, we recognize that living the Paschal Mystery gives us an opportunity to set our sights on our future Christian lives; that after this Lent, during this Holy Year, our conversion process will have taken a step forward.

Tonight, I wish to speak about our sacramental spirituality as bishops, priests, deacons and laity. When priests are questioned in surveys about their spirituality and asked what is their greatest support or incentive to lead a holy life, they always say, the laity are those who inspire me. Then some say, my fellow priests. It always seems to follow that order. Hardly anyone mentions bishops. I hope I am not an obstacle to your priestly spirituality, or for deacons and the laity, and, hopefully, tonight, sharing some thoughts together, we might make progress in becoming more like the Father – the Father of Mercy as Jesus told us, “To be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect.”

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

‘Jesus Is Risen’ by Bishop DiMarzio

March 23, 2016 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in The Lord,

This Easter, we have the unique opportunity to see the recently released movie called Risen. Unfortunately, the movie has been much criticized. It is an attempt to portray the death, resurrection and post resurrection appearances of our Lord, Jesus. Biblical events are present in the movie, however, as we know, even the eyewitness accounts, which we have in the Scripture, do not do justice to the real events.

One interesting thing about this movie is that there is a supposed objective bystander, Clavius, a skeptical Roman Commander, who was sent by Pontius Pilate to investigate the so-called resurrection. He was ordered to find the body of Jesus and, if still alive, to kill Him. There have been many attempts to depict both modern and ancient interpretations of Clavius. What is different in the movie Risen, however, is that Clavius becomes a believer as he witnesses the interaction of the risen Christ with His followers.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Upcoming Youth Events March – April

Below are the upcoming youth events in the Diocese of Brooklyn:

April 8th: LIFT and BEER GARDEN

Join the Young Adult Community of St. Joan of Arc for an evening of prayer, praise and worship, and fellowship. Topic for the evening is “Catholic in the World, but Not of the World.” Doors open at 7pm. St. Joan of Arc 82-00 35th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Music Provided by Lift Ministry. For more events and info: www.LivingInFaithTogether.net

April 9th: Young Adult Year of Mercy Service and Fellowship

Join Young adults from all of the Diocese for this Year of Mercy Event. Walk through the Holy Doors of O.L. of Mount Carmel 23-25 Newtown Ave, Astoria, New York 11102, into Adoration with an opportunity for the Sacrament for Reconciliation. Following the Holy Hour we will go to a nearby bar/restaurant for fellowship. Want more info? Contact Paul Morisi at pmorisi@diobrook.org

April 18th: Theology On Tap

Join Msgr. Sean Ogle for his Theology on Tap at Mojave NYC 22-36 31st St, Astoria, New York 11105. Doors open at 7pm. Topic: April Fools and Easter Joys. https://www.facebook.com/groups/DOBTOT/

May 13th: LIFT and BEER GARDEN

Join the Young Adult Community of St. Joan of Arc for an evening of prayer, praise and worship, and fellowship. Topic for the evening is “Filled.” Doors open at 7pm. St. Joan of Arc 82-00 35th Ave Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Music provided by Scott and Donna Tran and LIFT Ministry. For more events and info: www.LivingInFaithTogether.net

You can see all the upcoming events at meetmein.church.

‘Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse’ by Bishop DiMarzio

March 16, 2016 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

This week we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, protector of the Child Jesus and model for the Church in the protection of children. The sexual abuse crisis in the Church was highlighted, especially, at this year’s Academy Awards with the Oscar for Best Picture going to the movie “Spotlight.” The movie chronicled the investigative journalism work of the Boston Globe’s “Spotlight” unit which identified the depth of the sexual abuse crisis in the Archdiocese of Boston and precipitated a review of all dioceses.

In 2002, the Bishops of the United States met in Dallas, Texas and signed what is now known as the Dallas Charter. This Charter has guided the Church in the last almost 15 years to redouble its efforts in creating a safe environment for children within the Church. The issue of sexual abuse by clergy and other employees of the Church is a page in our history that we must not forget, since it causes us to see the harm and pain which has been caused as well as drives us to make sure that such a situation will never happen in the future.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Upcoming Youth Events

There are three upcoming youth events in the Diocese of Brooklyn in early March, don’t miss them! On March 3rd, Donovan’s Pub of Woodside will host a Theology on Tap, with guest Brother Malachy Napier. There is a second Theology on Tap on March 10 at Donovan’s, featuring Fr. Gribowich. And catch Hours for the Lord at the Cathedral Basilica of St. James, at 9PM on March 4th.

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‘A Chance To Share The Gospel’ By Bishop DiMarzio

February 24, 2016 – Excerpted from Put Out Into The Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

On behalf of everyone served throughout our Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens, we begin the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal, “Share The Joy of the Gospel,” by thanking those who so generously responded to last year’s Catholic Appeal. If not for the commitment of our parishioners to this annual initiative, the basic services and ministries offered by the Diocese would not be possible.

This weekend, we begin the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal in parishes that participated last year in our Generations of Faith capital campaign. The Generations of Faith capital campaign is helping to strengthen our parishes by not only providing security for our senior priests, but also investing in the Church’s future through our diocesan youth ministry initiative. The Annual Catholic Appeal continues to support the vital diocesan ministries that serve all of Brooklyn and Queens on a day-to-day basis. The theme of the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal continues to be inspired by Pope Francis’ Encyclical “The Joy of the Gospel” which reminds us of the happiness we receive when we bring the Good News to others.

Pope Francis writes, “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and the lives of those who encounter Jesus. Those who accept His offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, bitter emptiness and loneliness. With Christ, joy is constantly born anew.”

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.

Young Adult Holy Hour

Young adults of Williamsburg! On Thursday, February 25th at 6:45 PM, please join us at Divine Mercy Parish for our second Young Adult Holy Hour! Mother Revelacion, SSVM, will give a special meditation on chastity and Divine Mercy for the Holy Year of Mercy. Dinner at Carmine’s to follow. Hope you can join!

The details: St. Nicholas Church, 6:45, February 25th, L train to Grand Street, five minute walk.

For more information about Diocesan events, go to meetmein.church.


’24th World Day Of The Sick’ By Bishop DiMarzio

February 17, 2016 – Excerpted from Put Out Into The Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Last week, we celebrated the World Day of the Sick. This remembrance of the sick coincides with the February 11th Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. In his message for this day, “Entrusting Oneself to the Merciful Jesus like Mary: ‘Do whatever He tells you’ (Jn 2:5),” our Holy Father, Pope Francis, uses the Gospel scene of the Wedding at Cana to remind us of the intercessory power of Mary. It was Mary at Cana who recognized that the wine was running short. She appealed to her Son, Jesus, to do something for the newly married couple, who would be in distress. After retreating from Jesus, Mary simply told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” Pope Francis tells us that if we can learn to obey these words of Mary, Jesus will change the water of our lives into precious wine.

Sometimes the reality of sickness and the suffering that it brings is hard for us to accept. Perhaps it is most difficult to understand when a child becomes ill. Parents often feel helpless when they see their child in pain. Many pray that they might suffer in their son or daughter’s place. Later in life, it is chronic illness that often plagues the elderly. This chronic illness can lead to depression or despair.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.