Suggested Ideas for Celebrating Consecrated Life


  1. Have a special weekend to honor the religious who serve / live in your parish now; a special Liturgy, parish reception. Invite back those who have served there over the years.
  2. Invite all those who may have entered religious life from your parish over the years to another Liturgy. Perhaps do this near Vocation Sunday.
  3. Have a Vocation Fair inviting religious communities to share about their communities and their vocation stories. This could be at a deanery level.
  4. Work with the school and religious education leadership to invite religious to speak in the classrooms about consecrated life. The Vocations Office offers this already and my office will be offering a “Two by Two” visit from sisters and brothers in the diocese. More to come on this.
  5. Posters and bulletin announcements and notice of events will be sent to you / your parish for publication during the year. Prayers of Intercession will be sent to be inserted into your Mass prayers.