Everyone needs prayers … especially our seminarians! Many of our seminarians spend their formation years studying at our local seminaries – Cathedral Seminary House of Formation in Douglaston, Queens, and St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, Yonkers – however, a handful of our seminarians are studying in other seminaries throughout the United States and abroad. Our annual Seminarian Poster/Prayer Card lists the names of our seminarians and where they are studying. We ask that our seminarians be prayed for, by name. These prayers cards can be requested through the Vocation Office and are available around November.
In addition to praying for our seminarians, you can also show them your support by writing to them. While they may not be able to reciprocate given their busy schedules, your written correspondence will mean a great deal to them.
Click here for a list of this year’s seminarians and their address at the seminary.