The Liturgy Office

The Liturgy Office is a resource for clarifying and fostering fidelity to Liturgical Norms and ensuring best practice and provides consultation to parishes and Diocesan Agencies concerning all matters relating to liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations coordinates all liturgical aspects of major diocesan events.

The Office sponsors Diocesan Liturgical Minister Training Workshops and Formation Days for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), Lectors, Ushers and High School Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors. Training workshops are offered four times a year in a bilingual English/Spanish format, and plans are underway to offer training workshops in Creole.

In addition, the Liturgy Office offers Continuing Education and enrichment opportunities for Present Ministers as needed. This instruction can be carried out on the parish or deanery level and tailored to specific needs.

Days of recollection are offered twice a year for liturgical ministers in both the English and Spanish languages. Speakers can be provided for Days of Recollection/formation for EMHC’s, Lectors, and Ushers on the parish level.

The Liturgy office assists in the liturgical formation and updating of Priests, Deacons, Religious, Catholic School Teachers, and Catechists in Faith Formation in English, Spanish and Creole.

Bishop Robert Brennan is the Chief Liturgist of the Diocese of Brooklyn. The Liturgy Office assists him in this task and also oversees the activities of the Liturgical Commission, the Art and Architecture Commission, and the Music Commission. Read more about the Commissions.

Liturgy, Music, Art & Architecture Commissions
The Immaculate Conception Center
7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, New York 11362
718-281-9612 Fax: 718-281-9613
Rev. Alonzo Q. Cox – Director,
Christine Dost – Administrative Assistant,

The Liturgy Office welcomes all correspondence but respectfully asks that writers include their name and address. The Office does its best to collaborate on issues that are brought to its attention and therefore cannot respond to unsigned correspondence.