Temporary Suspension On Distribution Of Precious Blood, Flu Season 2018

Due to a severe outbreak of the flu, Bishop DiMarzio has suspended the distribution of the Precious Blood to the faithful at Mass. This suspension will be lifted when flu season is over.

While not life-threatening in most cases, the flu can be very dangerous for infants, small children, the elderly, and those who suffer from chronic illness. Bishop DiMarzio reminds the faithful to use common sense precautions when attending Mass or other public functions in their parishes to minimize the spread of the virus.

Specifically, parishioners should refrain from physically exchanging the sign of peace at Mass with a person exhibiting signs of illness. The bishop has asked pastors to make hand sanitizer accessible to all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion as well as Mass celebrants. Given the scale of the latest outbreak, these reminders are intended to protect those most vulnerable in our midst against a serious threat to their health.