“Exploring The Genius Of Women” By Bishop DiMarzio

March 4, 2015 – Excerpted from Put Out Into the Deep, Bishop DiMarzio’s column in The Tablet:

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

Several weeks ago, the Pontifical Council for Culture conducted a conference entitled “The Feminine Cultures: Equality and Difference.” The conference, held by this Vatican department, was meant to bring understanding to the role of women in our culture and in our Church.

This Council had a great influence on the direction of the New Evangelization, especially by bringing forth the concept of encountering cultures and different ideas in neutral places. They used the phrase, “the Courtyard of the Gentiles” to describe a place where those who do not believe can be encountered. The image comes from the Temple of Jerusalem which had a special courtyard dedicated for worship by Gentiles who wished to come to the Temple to pray. Gentiles were not allowed to enter the Temple precincts; however, they could pray in this one space allocated to them. The Council for Culture has endeavored to engage in dialogue atheists and others who do not share our theology or culture.

Read the full text of the Bishop’s column on The Tablet website.