Diocesan Newspapers “The Tablet” and “Nuestra Voz” Awarded by Catholic Press Association

On Friday, June 25th, the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada honored writers and editors of Catholic media during its annual Catholic Media Conference that took place this year in Buffalo, New York.

The Tablet, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn, was honored in eight categories:

    “Currents” – Winner of Best Online Ad

    Graphic Designer Israel Ochoa received first place for Best Online Ad for “Currents,” the nightly news program on NET TV.

  • Best Ad Copywriting also went to Israel Ochoa for “Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens.”
  • Second place for Best Single Ad Originating with the Publication: Color Ad went to Israel Ochoa for his centerfold ad for “Currents.”
  • Second place for Best Coverage of Local Politics went to editor Ed Wilkinson and reporter Antonina Zielinska.
  • The Tablet received third place for Best Editorial-Local Publications, for “Get It Done, Gov!.”
  • Third place was awarded to The Tablet for Best Editorial, National/International Issue, for “Francis Economics.”
  • The Tablet also received third place for Best Editorial Page.
  • An Honorable Mention went to The Tablet for “Not Guts in Albany.”
“Catholic Foundation of Brooklyn and Queens” – Winner of Best Ad Copywriting

The monthly Spanish-language publication of the Diocese, Nuestra Voz, was awarded in six categories:

The awards of excellence are presented annually by the Catholic Press Association, a trade group representing more than 600 church-related media organizations in the US and Canada.

The Tablet has been serving Brooklyn and Queens since 1908, and it currently reaches more than 74,000 readers. For almost four years, Nuestra Voz has been serving more than 17,000 Hispanics Catholics of the Diocese of Brooklyn. The Tablet and Nuestra Voz are part of DeSales Media Group, the technology and communications arm of the Diocese of Brooklyn.