New York State Catholic Conference Statement on Recreational Marijuana Legalization

In its rush to legalize so-called “recreational” marijuana usage, we believe that our state’s elected officials are preparing to open a Pandora’s Box that will have multiple deleterious effects on individuals, families, and all of society.

While the Governor and some legislators see enhanced revenues for the state’s coffers through a new taxable marijuana industry, we are more concerned with consequences ranging from increased teenage and childhood usage, harmful effects on developing brains, addiction, natural progression to harder drug use, increased impairment-related transportation accidents and deaths, and other potential public health and safety issues.

Of particular concern regarding the movement toward legalization is the impact on children, and the normalization of usage that state approval encourages. Proponents argue that usage will be restricted to age 21 and older but, as we have seen in the alcohol and tobacco industries, producers of harmful products always find a way to market their products to children.

Studies appear to show racial and ethnic disparities in enforcement of marijuana possession, and we take this issue seriously. The state can and should take appropriate measures to ensure that skin color or zip code do not result in different outcomes for the same offense, including re-evaluating the justice of current criminal penalties for low-level possession. At the same time, we must not simply throw up our hands and legalize a harmful substance in order to declare the problem of discrimination solved.

The Catholic Church is not prohibitionist but at the same time we believe the government should not be encouraging destructive behavior, whether gambling or drug use, to raise revenue. Vice is not an appropriate economic development engine for a state that prides itself as a national progressive leader. Our state motto is Excelsior (ever upward), but policies that exploit addiction instead lead us ever downward.

We join with our state’s medical, education and law enforcement communities in urging New York State to reject marijuana legalization.

The Catholic Conference represents the Bishops of New York State in public policy matters.

Statement on Recreational Marijuana Legalization

Bishop DiMarzio’s recent column on marijuana :

Marijuana Is Very Dangerous

Diocese of Brooklyn Releases Names of Clergy Credibly Accused of Sexual Abuse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 15, 2019

Adriana Rodriguez


The Diocese of Brooklyn is releasing its list of clergy who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor. By credible, diocesan officials believe that the allegation(s) may be true. The comprehensive list spans the 166-year history of the diocese. This list, which can be found here, contains names of clergy who have been convicted, who have admitted to sexual misconduct with a minor or have had allegations determined credible by the Independent Diocesan Review Board.

The list is categorized into two sections:

  • Clergy Members of the Diocese of Brooklyn with Credible Allegations (67)
  • Diocese of Brooklyn Clergy who were Deceased/or Resigned prior to a finding of credibility (41)

The fact that this list contains the names of clergy who are deceased differentiates it from other dioceses.

“We know this list will generate many emotions for victims who have suffered terribly. For their suffering, I am truly sorry,” said The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn. “I have met with many victims who have told me that more than anything, they want an acknowledgment of what was done to them. This list gives that recognition and I hope it will add another layer of healing for them on their journey toward wholeness.”

The list shows the number of incidents of clergy sexual abuse peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, but the reports largely came in post-2002 after the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People was enacted and peaked again in 2017 (Graph 1) when the diocese started the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP). This program is administered independently by Kenneth Feinberg, whose firm handled the 9-11 Compensation Fund. The IRCP is another possible mechanism for healing that may help bring closure to victims-survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

Other key points about the list are illustrated in graphs seen below:

  • The 108 names represent less than five percent (5%) of clergy in the Diocese of Brooklyn (Graph 2)
  • About two-thirds of accused priests are deceased (Graph 3)
  • The vast majority of cases involved priests who were ordained between 1930-1979 (Graph 4)

Bishop DiMarzio committed to releasing the list at regional meetings (video below) he held with the lay faithful late last year where he answered parishioners’ questions about the sex abuse crisis. In those meetings, the diocese outlined the numerous programs mandated by the charter, including, but not limited to, a zero tolerance policy in which any clergy member credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor is permanently removed from ministry. Since 2002, the Diocese of Brooklyn has shared all of its files and allegations against clergy with the District Attorneys of Brooklyn and Queens.

The charter also mandates sexual abuse awareness training for children and adults; specifically all clergy members, teachers, parish and academy/school employees, catechists and volunteers who work directly with children. Employees and volunteers also must agree to initial and ongoing criminal background checks and must sign a code of conduct.

To help victims, the Office of Victim Assistance provides referrals for therapy, support groups for survivors and a yearly Healing Mass to pray for all who have been impacted by sexual abuse.

In 2004, Bishop DiMarzio established an Independent Reporting Line for anyone to report allegations of abuse. That phone number is 1-888-634-4499. All reports generated are immediately reported to the Brooklyn or Queens District Attorney.

Evidence to date shows that the Charter has worked. Since 2002, there have been two credible cases involving active diocesan clergy.

“While even one is too many, this shows that we are on the right path to ensuring these horrendous acts of abuse are never repeated,” Bishop DiMarzio said.

The “List of Diocesan Clergy for whom the Diocese received allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor” can be found here.

Video statement by Bishop DiMarzio (English):

Video statement by Bishop DiMarzio (Spanish):

Video of Bishop DiMarzio’s Regional Meetings with the Lay Faithful (English):

Video of Bishop DiMarzio’s Regional Meetings with the Lay Faithful (Spanish):

Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3

Graph 4




Adriana Rodriguez


The Board of Members and Board of Directors of Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Academy and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Academy, both in Brooklyn, and St. Camillus Catholic Academy in Queens have voted to close the schools at the end of this school year. The difficult decision was made due to declining enrollment and the severe budget deficits that have resulted.

Two Catholic academies in Bushwick, Brooklyn will merge, effective for the 2019-2020 school year. They are St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy and St. Brigid Catholic Academy. The new school, to be located at St. Brigid’s, will be called St Brigid-St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy.

The students at all the affected schools will be accommodated at nearby Catholic academies. They will automatically receive a $500 tuition assistance grant if they attend an academy or parish school within the Diocese of Brooklyn, as long as they have met all of their financial obligations. That one-time grant is made possible by the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust.

“It’s an emotional time for the diocese when schools have to close because it is affecting the lives of students, parents, and faculty. The decisions come after intense analysis of enrollment trends and the financial picture of each academy,” said Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools.

  • At Mary Queen of Heaven in Mill Basin, enrollment is down almost 60 percent from five years ago. The budget for this school year shows a nearly $250,000 deficit and the Academy’s fund balance is more than $300,000 in the red.
  • The financial situation is similar at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Dyker Heights, where the current school year deficit is more than $200,000. Enrollment is down 35% in the last five years.
  • At St. Camillus in Rockaway, the current school year budget is running a deficit of more than $20,000. And with deficits of more than $100,000 the two previous years, the academy has limited funds to meet expenses. Enrollment here is down almost 25% from five years ago.
  • The building repairs at St. Frances Cabrini have continued to increase and last year, the Board of Directors spent over $200,000 in unexpected repairs. That along with declining enrollment at both schools is the reason for the merger.

“I respect the boards’ decisions on these matters,” said Chadzutko. “When resources are constrained, it affects all aspects of the learning environment, which eventually impacts students and their needs. Our children are our first priority.”

Information Night meetings will begin next week at the academies scheduled to close. Administrators and personnel from neighboring Catholic academies will be on hand to present their programs and answer any questions parents may have.

“It is the goal of the office to assist all parents in placing their children in their neighboring school if they so choose as well as working with faculty and staff who have dedicated their lives to Catholic education,” said Chadzutko. “It is our hope that the changing demographics of Brooklyn and Queens stabilizes so that enrollment in Catholic academies throughout the diocese can increase in the future,” he said.

The merged St Brigid-St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy will be designated an Embassy School. As a result, it will receive additional funding from the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust. The merged academy will also receive technology updates to the infrastructure through DeSales Media Group, the communications, and technology arm of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

For more information on the school closures, you can contact Adriana Rodriguez at (646) 241-9805 or at


310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215 ● 718.399.5990 ● FAX: 718.399.5934


Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Reverend Andrew K. Soley, C.S.Sp., a priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, Province of Ghana, who was ministering in the Diocese of Brooklyn as Parochial Vicar of the Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Brooklyn). Father Soley was born on November 7, 1952 in Ghana, West Africa, was ordained to the Priesthood on July 23, 1994, and died Wednesday, January 2, 2019, at Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn. Father Soley served the Diocese of Brooklyn as Parochial Vicar of the Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Brooklyn).

The arrangements are as follows:


Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
7201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11228
Tel: (718) 236-8300
Sunday, January 6, 2019
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM


Our Lady of Guadalupe R.C. Church
7201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11228
Tel: (718) 236-8300
Sunday, January 6, 2019
7:30 PM


Our Lady of Guadalupe R.C. Church
7201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11228
Tel: (718) 236-8300
Monday, January 7, 2019
10:30 AM


Holy Ghost Preparatory School
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
If you wish to send condolences, please mail to Father Soley’s sister, Ms. Mary Kumi, c/o Our Lady of Guadalupe R.C. Church, 7201 15th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11228.
Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family and friends. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord.

Reverend Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, J.C.L.
Chancellor and Moderator of the Curia

Passing of Mr. Alejo Burgos, Father of Reverend Adnel Burgos

310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215 ● 718.399.5990 ● FAX: 718.399-5934 E-mail:

Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Mr. Alejo Burgos, father of Reverend Adnel Burgos, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn who is presently released from diocesan assignment. Mr. Burgos died Monday, October 8, 2018 at the Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation, New Hyde Park. A memorial service may be held at a later date.

Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family and friends. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord.

If you wish to send condolences, please mail to Reverend Adnel Burgos, c/o Office of the Chancellor, 310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215.

Reverend Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, J.C.L. Chancellor and Moderator of the Curia

Passing of Mr. Al Strynkowski, Brother of Rev. Monsignor John Strynkowski

310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215 ● 718.399.5990 ● FAX: 718.399.5934 E-mail:

Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Mr. Al Strynkowski, brother of Rev. Monsignor John Strynkowski, Adjunct Spiritual Director of the Cathedral House of Formation. Mr. Al Strynkowski died Friday, October 12, 2018.

The arrangements are as follows:

Boyd-Caratozzolo Funeral Home
1785 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729 Tel: (631) 667-8614

Monday, October 15, 2018
7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

SS. Cyril & Methodius Church
125 Half Hollow Road Deer Park, NY 11729 Tel: (631) 667-4044

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
10:15 AM

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. Strynkowski, and for the consolation of his family and friends. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord.

If you wish to send condolences, please mail to Rev. Monsignor John Strynkowski, 55 Croyden Street, Malverne, NY 11565

Reverend Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, J.C.L. Chancellor and Vicar for Canonical Affairs Moderator of the Curia


310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215 ● 718.399.5990 ● FAX: 718.399.5934 E-mail:

Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Mr. Settimio D’Accordo, brother of Deacon Frank J. D’Accordo, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Brooklyn assigned to the Parish of St. Bernard, Mill Basin, and Deacon Armand C. D’Accordo, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Brooklyn assigned to the Parish of St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor. Mr. D’Accordo died Monday, September 24, 2018.

Macken Mortuary
52 Clinton Avenue
Rockville Centre, New York 11570
Tel: (516) 766-3300
Friday, September 28, 2018
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Saint Agnes Cathedral
29 Quealy Place
Rockville Centre, New York 11570
Tel: (516) 766-0205
Saturday, September 29, 2018
9:30 AM

Saint Philip Neri Cemetery
East Northport, New York

Please pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his family and friends. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord. If you wish to send condolences, please mail to Deacon Frank J. D’Accordo, Saint Bernard R.C. Church, 2055 East 69th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11234. Reverend Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, J.C.L. Chancellor and Moderator of the Curia



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 18, 2018


Adriana Rodriguez


Editor of Nuestra VozJorge I. Domínguez-López has been promoted to editor-in-chief of publications for DeSales Media Group. The move puts Domínguez-López at the helm of the two award-winning newspapers of the Brooklyn Diocese: the English-language The Tablet and the Spanish-language Nuestra Voz.

“Jorge was the clear choice for this new role,” said Vito Formica, executive director of news content and development. Formica, who leads the DeSales Media Group’s news department, which also includes the nightly newscast Currents News, went on to say, “Jorge’s impressive credentials and his deep understanding of the Church will play a critical role in our strategy to provide all readers in the diocese and beyond with even more high-quality, faith-based journalism across all media platforms.”

A Cuban-American editor and writer, Domínguez-López was born in Havana. He studied cybernetics and mathematics at the University of Havana and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in history from St. John’s University. In the early 1990s, he was one of the founders of the Studies Center of the Archdiocese of Havana, Cuba, and Vivarium magazine, the first independent and Catholic publication in Cuba since 1959. After immigrating to the United States, Jorge worked as a translator, editor and writer for the Education Department at McGraw-Hill Companies. He has worked as a freelance writer, translator and editor for HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, and Little, Brown and Company among others. In New York, he was the founding editor of Béisbol Mundial, a sports magazine with a monthly circulation of one million copies. For three decades, Jorge has written for newspapers and digital publications (Miami’s El Nuevo Herald, Madrid’s Diario de Cuba and Barcelona’s Penúltimos Días) about Catholic issues as well as Cuban politics, literature and history.

Since May 2015, he has been the editor of Nuestra Voz. During this time, Nuestra Voz has become one of the leading Spanish Catholic newspapers in North America, with 51 Catholic Press Association awards, including second place for Spanish Publication of the Year, Best Spanish Editorial Page and Editor of the Year. Nuestra Voz has evolved from a monthly print newspaper to a daily online source of Catholic news in Spanish with an international audience. Recently, Nuestra Voz became the most followed page among the Brooklyn Diocese social media pages.

Domínguez-López regularly appears on NET-TV’s Currents News to provide analysis on breaking news stories and during live coverage of papal trips. He is the co-host of Al Pan, Pan, a talk show with Father Tomás del Valle on NET-TV.

Jorge is also a member of the Academy of Cuban History in Exile.

In addition to Domínguez-López’s new role, Formica announced that long-time reporter for The Tablet, Marie Elena Giossi has been promoted to managing editor. Giossi reports to Domínguez-López, and assists him in overseeing the day-to-day operation and production of the newspaper.

Giossi is a Brooklyn native and joined The Tablet staff in 2003. She started as the youth editor and has assumed greater editorial duties through the years.

Highlights of her Tablet career include covering two papal visits to New York, 2008 and 2015; two World Youth Days, Germany, 2005, and Australia, 2008, and the National Catholic Youth Conference in Ohio, 2007.

Giossi says she is proud to have been part of The Tablet teams that won Catholic Press Association Awards for Newspaper of the Year, Best News Writing, Best Reporting on Teenagers, Best Coverage of World Youth Day, Best Coverage of the Year of Mercy and Best Coverage of Mother Teresa’s Canonization.

Previously, she was the health editor and a staff reporter at The Brooklyn Skyline newspaper. She has also written for Catholic News Service, the Knights of Columbus’ Columbia magazine and

She earned her bachelor’s degree in English from Fordham University, Lincoln Center, and has completed graduate courses in religious education at Fordham.

Former editor of The Tablet, Ed Wilkinson will stay on staff as editor emeritus. In his expanded role, Wilkinson will serve as an editorial advisor, he will create a detailed newspaper archive, and he will work directly with Chief Operating Officer of DeSales Media Group William Maier. Together, they are implementing a plan that will reduce bulk newspaper deliveries to parishes by increasing individual subscriptions. Wilkinson will also continue to host his popular TV show On the Block and substitute for Anchor Liz Faublas on Currents News. 

The Tablet and Nuestra Voz are the official newspapers of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, which also serves the borough of Queens. Combined, they have a circulation of 92,000 newspapers.

Readers are encouraged to send story ideas and news tips to

DeSales Media Group Newspapers/Shows:
The Tablet:
Nuestra Voz:
Currents News:
Al Pan, Pan:
On the Block:


Passing of Mrs. Antonina Borheck, wife of Deacon Steven Borheck

310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215 ● 718.399.5990 ● FAX: 718.399.5934 E-mail:

Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Mrs. Antonina Borheck, wife of Deacon Steven Borheck, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Brooklyn assigned to the Parish of Our Lady of the Snows, Floral Park. Mrs. Borheck died Thursday, September 13, 2018. The arrangements are as follows:

Thomas F. Dalton Funeral Home 125 Hillside Avenue
New Hyde Park, New York 11040 Tel: (516) 354-0634 Sunday, September 16, 2018
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Our Lady of the Snows R.C. Church 258-15 80th Avenue
Floral Park, New York 11004
Tel: (718) 347-6070 Monday, September 17, 2018
10:30 AM

Saint John Cemetery
Middle Village, New York

Please pray for the repose of her soul and for the consolation of her family and friends. May she rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord. If you wish to send condolences, please mail to Deacon Steven Borheck, Our Lady of the Snows, 258-15 80th Avenue, Floral Park, New York 11004. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.

Reverend Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, J.C.L.
Chancellor and Moderator of the

Passing of Mr. Frank J. Grande, father of Reverend Kenneth Grande

310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215 ● 718.399.5990 ● FAX: 718.399.5934

Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Mr. Frank J. Grande, father of Reverend Kenneth Grande, Pastor of Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco (Brooklyn). Mr. Grande died Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
The arrangements are as follows:

Colonial Funeral Home 2819 Hylan Boulevard
Staten Island, NY 10306
Tel: (718) 351-5858
Sunday, September 16, 2018 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM and
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Saint Charles Church
200 Penn Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10306
Tel: (718) 987-2670
Monday, September 17, 2018 10:15 AM

Calverton National Cemetery Calverton, NY

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. Grande, and for the consolation of his family and friends. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord.

If you wish to send condolences, please mail to Reverend Kenneth Grande, St. John the Evangelist- St. Rocco, 250 21st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215.

Reverend Monsignor Anthony Hernandez, J.C.L.
Chancellor and Vicar for Canonical Affairs