Community Of Unity

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There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28

Across cultures, and across time, Christ and His Church has been where people of all nations were unified as brothers. The Church has been an integral part of Brooklyn and Queens. Churches became the centers of community, countless immigrant groups have called our towns home, and though many didn’t share a language, they shared faith. This month, we celebrate the many people who call our streets home. We hail from across the world, but we are one in faith and community.

Brooklyn’s History Of Faith: The Story of Us

Our Diocese is a rich, storied Diocese. Learn about our exciting history, including:

  • Immigrants Petitioning For The First Catholic Church On All Of Long Island
  • How The Brooklyn Bridge Changed The Church In Brooklyn
  • The Legacy Of Msgr. Bernard Quinn Who Stood Up To The KKK.
  • When Bishop DiMarzio Met Fidel Castro

The Many Stories Of Families Here In Brooklyn & Queens

Irish Immigrants helped build the Diocese of Brooklyn from the ground up. The Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens is the Diocese Immigrants. Ireland, Italy, Puerto Rico, China, Haiti, Korea, Poland, Mexico, Lebanon, people from every country have called this place home. Hear some of the stories that exemplify our diocese. Share your own.

DoB Priest Gives Hope To Haitian Migrants

The impact of Faith cannot be understated. The Diocese of Brooklyn is the Diocese of Immigrants that continue to open their hearts to help the immigrant and the refugee.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe has been a source of hope and unity since it first occurred. The Diocese of Brooklyn is proud of our passionate celebration of this important feast day.

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The foundation of the Diocese began with Irish Immigrants. These hearty souls who could bring very few things across the Atlantic brought a Faith strong enough to build a diocese.

Couple Uses OLG To Evangelize

The gifts of Guadalupe bless our Diocese in many ways. Read more about this inspiring devotion. The Virgin of Guadalupe is a symbol of faith and unity in the Americas.

CMS Gala 1 John Viola

Sons and daughters of immigrants do not forget their heritage, or their family’s sacrifice. See how generations later, immigrated families are still helping new immigrants.

400 Year Old Marian Devotion Filipino Community

Each culture has a devotion to the Virgin Mary that they are closely tied to. The Filipino community of the Diocese of Brooklyn continue a to host a thriving Marian devotion.

Share Your Family’s Story Here

Many cultures. One Faith. These are just a few stories of the vibrant celebrations and inspiring stories of our Faith; a Faith that makes up the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens. We want to hear from you so we can celebrate more of these stories. Submit your own family’s story of coming to the U.S. and the faith that they kept so we can share and celebrate it with the Diocese!