Diocese of Brooklyn

Getting Married

Prepare Your Marriage For Great Things


The Engaged Encounter retreat weekend offers engaged couples a unique opportunity to look at their commitment to each other in a deeper way as they prepare for marriage in the Catholic Church. It fulfills the diocesan requirement that couples complete a marriage preparation, or Pre-Cana, program.

A weekend away provides a special time for couples to deepen their relationship free from pressure and distractions of the outside world. With a “time out” for alone-together time, there is an opportunity for couples to dialogue honestly and intensively about their prospective life together. Preparing for this union, couples learn to communicate more effectively.

The weekend emphasizes the meaning of sacramental marriage, a holy, permanent bond. Couples learn why matrimony is a sacrament, how that affects their lives, and what their commitment means.

Family traditions each person brings to the marriage are explored. Intimacy in marriage is discussed, with an emphasis on the couple’s sharing all parts of their lives to form an intimate bond. Couples explore their preparedness for marriage in the church, learn more about each other, and prepare for a deeper and more meaningful life together.

Our weekends are offered at Thomas Berry Place, the new name of the Bishop Molloy Passionist Retreat House. It is a 4-minute walk from the E and F subway and easily accessible by car. The program consists of a series of short talks offered by a team of two married couples and a priest. After each talk, you’ll process individually, and then discuss privately with your fiancé(e)–just the two of you.

If you need financial assistance to take part, please speak to us. Thanks to donations from couples who have made the weekend, we are able to reduce the cost if necessary.

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