Diocese of Brooklyn

Bishop Brennan Official

Bishop of Brooklyn

Most Rev. Robert J. Brennan

On November 30, 2021, Bishop Brennan was installed as the Eighth Bishop of Brooklyn, serving the people of Brooklyn and Queens. In our diocese, the Diocese of Immigrants, we proclaim the Gospel to all in a Bold, Joyful, and Welcoming way. Through our words and actions, we strive to bear witness to the love of our Risen Lord every day. Please keep Bishop Brennan in your prayers as he leads our diocese forward in Faith, Hope, and Love.

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Bishop Robert Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, will be reading to the second graders at St. Savior Catholic Academy this Friday,...

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Bishop Robert Brennan Celebrates Ash Wednesday Mass at Brooklyn Cathedral Basilica of St. James

Bishop Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, today marked the start of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday Mass...

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Bishop Robert Brennan’s Ash Wednesday Public Schedule

Bishop Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, will celebrate two Masses to mark Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and...

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