Diocese of Brooklyn

Become a Catholic / OCIA

Becoming a Catholic

Becoming a part of the Catholic Church is a transformative journey that involves deepening your understanding and commitment to the faith. It’s distinct from other Christian traditions where one might simply declare their belief to become a member. Catholicism invites you into a rich, structured process of spiritual and communal growth known as the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).

What is OCIA?

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the Church’s way of forming new disciples of Jesus Christ. It’s a gradual process that respects your personal journey while inviting you into a deeper relationship with Jesus and His Church. Through OCIA, you’ll explore the teachings of the Church, experience Christian community, and learn to live as a follower of Jesus Christ.

For more information about the OCIA program, contact your local parish.

Meet the Team

Joann Roa

Director, Faith Formation
(718) 399-5986

Ana Maria Rodriguez Cortes

Administrative Assistant
(718) 399-5973

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