Marriage and Family
Taking the First Step
Are you discerning the vocation of marriage? The Sacrament of Marriage or Holy Matrimony is a covenant between a baptized man and a baptized woman within the Catholic Church. It is a public and lifelong declaration of one’s love for another, to God, and His love for the Church.
The sacrament of a Christian marriage involves a journey together through the ups and downs, as well as the giving and receiving of one another. For Catholics, marriage is a Church event, not just a social or family event. The Church prefers that marriages between Catholics, or between Catholics and other Christians, be celebrated in the parish church of one of the spouses.
Contact your parish as soon as possible and make an appointment to talk with the priest, deacon, or staff person who is responsible for preparing couples. This person will explain the process as well as what is necessary prior to receiving the sacrament. Preparation should begin at least 6 months before taking vows.
Discover how you can enrich your marriage, strengthen your bond, and expand your family through God’s love and guidance.
In the Diocese of Brooklyn, Christian Rada is the Director of Marriage, Family, and Respect Life Education.. Under his leadership, programs are designed to support and strengthen marriage, families, and respect for life. Ana Maria Rodriguez Cortes is the Administrative Assistant.
What is Pre-Cana?
Pre-Cana is a Catholic church requirement for couples preparing to get married, taking at least six months. Named after Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle, it’s designed to prepare you for marriage.
What is the Purpose of Pre-Cana?
It’s not just another requirement; it’s an opportunity to discuss important topics and align as a couple for your future together.
Resources for Engagement
Resources for Marriage
Resources for Parenting
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Our Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass is there to celebrate milestone anniversaries like 25, 40, 50, or above years of marriage.