Diocese of Brooklyn

Parish Merger Decree – Incarnation-Saint Gerard Majella

DECREE Changes in the spiritual practices among the faithful, a decrease in available clergy and men and women in consecrated life, changes in the general population within our Diocese, as well as concerns regarding temporal matters have affected the means by which the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed...

Bishop’s Homily: Sept. 24th, 2024

Hear this rich homily from Bishop Brennan. We reflect on what it means to be a mother or brother to Jesus, and also celebrate the  Sisters of Mercy on the feast of Our Lady of Mercy. https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/bishop-homily-9.24.24-SD_960x540p.mp4

Bishop’s Homily: Oct. 30th, 2024

How do we enter through the narrow gate? Hear this inspiring homily, reflecting on what the narrow gate means, and how to enter through the narrow gate, we follow Christ. https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/bishop-homily-10.30.24-SD_960x540p.mp4

Bishop’s Homily: Nov. 25th, 2024

Pray, hope, and don't worry. Between the story of the widow giving at the temple, and an inspiring story of the diocesan Youth Day, we are blessed to see the power that this little piece of wisdom from Padre Pio carries. https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/bishop-homily11.25.24-SD_960x540p.mp4

Bishop’s Homily: Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent 2024

In the book of Matthew, we hear the story of Jesus's geneology and birth. Dive into the depth and beauty of this piece of the Bible with Bishop Brennan. https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/bishop-homily-12.18.24-SD_960x540p.mp4

Catholic Foundation Hosts Its First-Ever Hispanic Stewardship Conference

This past Saturday the Catholic Foundation hosted its first-ever Hispanic Stewardship Conference for Parish Leaders held at the Emmaus Center. With inspiring speakers, enriching talks, and heartfelt discussions, attendees were empowered to embrace the spirit of stewardship and strengthen the bonds of their Spanish-speaking faith community. The Conference concluded with...

Dec. 8, 2024

The Lord has done great things for us. We are filled with joy. As we enter the second week of Advent, we meditate on the great things God has already done in our lives.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Dec-8-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Dec. 1, 2024

God is always keeping his promises. Even when we suffer, he is so close to us. Let us reflect on what it means to wait for God with joyful anticipation as Advent begins.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Dec-1-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Nov. 24, 2024

On the Feast of Christ the King, we reflect on the the early verses of Revelation. Everything in existence is here because God loves us. How profound. Reflect on that with us here.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Nov-24-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Nov. 17, 2024

"My word will never pass away." These words of Jesus were spoken in the city of Jerusalem, controlled by the Roman Empire. God's word is with us, the Roman Empire has long past. Join us in this deep meditation on eternity and what truly matters.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Nov-17-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Nov. 10, 2024

Reflect with us on the widow in the temple. Though she gave a modest amount, she gave from her heart. There is much to learn from her heroic actions.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Nov-10-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Nov. 3, 2024

November is a month of remembrance and prayer for all those who've departed. This month we ask ourselves what really matters in life. Listen to this reflection to hear Christ's answer.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-November-3-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Oct. 27, 2024

Reflect on the miracle of Jesus healing the blind man. In contrast to pride, ambition, and much more, what can we learn from this blind man's act of faith?https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-October-27-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Oct. 20, 2024

Has faith ever become a competition? At one point t was for the disciples James and John. When they were misguided by pride, what is the solution? Follow along in this reflection for the answer.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Oct-20-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Oct. 13, 2024

From the city of Assisi, we reflect on the spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi. Meditate with us on the things that brought him so close to Christ.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-October-13-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Oct. 6, 2024

The gift of marriage is a beautiful, noble vocation. In this reflection, we hear about how the little things couples do every day make a marriage a reflection of God's love.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Oct-6-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Sept. 29, 2024

What does it mean to know we are loved by God with certainty? Did you know it seems the disciples even struggled to understand that? Watch this impactful reflection from Bishop Brennan.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Sept-29-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Sept. 22, 2024

Whomever wants to be the first, let him be last. A deep reflection on the words of Jesus. We also reflect on the sacrificial love of the Sisters of Charity and all those who are living out their religious vocations.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Sept-22-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Sept. 15, 2024

A deep reflection on the Book of James. As we reflect on both the words of James and the anniversary of September 11th, we contemplate what it means to live a life of generosity and service.https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Sun-Sept-15-SD_960x540p.mp4

Sept. 8, 2024

Welcome back to school! Enjoy this Sunday reflection on action and solidarity from Midwood Catholic Academy!https://live-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Reflection-Sept-8-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Parish Merger Decree – Christ the King – Saint Mary Magdalene

Changes in the spiritual practices among the faithfi.11, a decrease in available clergy and  men and women in consecrated life, changes in the general population within our  Diocese, as well as concerns regarding temporal matters have affected the means by  which the Gospel of Jesus Clu·ist has been proclaimed within...

Parish Merger Decree – Saint Augustine – Saint Francis Xavier

Changes in the spiritual practices among the faithful, a decrease in available clergy and men and women in consecrated life, changes in the general population within our Diocese, as well as concerns regarding temporal matters have affected the means by which the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed within...

Catholic Foundation hosts its first-ever Hispanic Stewardship Conference

This past Saturday the Catholic Foundation hosted its first-ever Hispanic Stewardship Conference for Parish Leaders held at the Emmaus Center. With inspiring speakers, enriching talks, and heartfelt discussions, attendees were empowered to embrace the spirit of stewardship and strengthen the bonds of their Spanish-speaking faith community. The Conference concluded with...


This page contains the introductions and executive summaries of two reports from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice research team, relating to the sexual abuse of minors by Catholic Priests in the United States. The Nature And Scope Of Sexual Abuse Of Minors By Catholic Priests And Deacons In...


John Jay The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010 finds sexual abuse of minors to be a human problem that all of society must always guard against. Safe environments, where appropriate boundaries between and adults and children are maintained, is...


The Diocese of Brooklyn is announcing a significant step in its ongoing response to the sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy. The Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) will allow survivors of sexual abuse by priests or deacons of the Diocese to seek financial compensation. Bishop Nicholas...


It is with great sorrow that I address the horrific stories in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report detailing the sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy. It is shameful to think that some bishops and others in positions of authority would have failed to recognize the gravity of...


Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio has announced that Monsignor Michael Dempsey was placed on administrative leave. The Diocese of Brooklyn was recently informed by Monsignor Dempsey that federal law enforcement is investigating him for the violation of internet child pornography laws which he does not deny. Allow me to share with you...


The Diocese of Brooklyn was recently informed that the grand jury reviewing the complaints against Monsignor Thomas Brady has decided not to pursue a criminal indictment against him. In light of this, and following the directions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, Monsignor Brady has...


The Diocese of Brooklyn wishes to confirm that James Lara, aka Jaime Lara, who was ordained in 1973 and was in active ministry until his removal in 1992, was dispensed from the clerical state, otherwise referred to as laicized by the Holy Father. This action was communicated via an ecclesiastical...

Bishop’s Homily: Christmas 2022

"The Lord your God is in your midst."  Covering a range of Old Testament prophecy, to the Incarnation, to peace in chaos, hear Bishop Brennan's full homily for Christmas Day, 2022.https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/christmas-homily-SD_640x360p.mp4

Bishop’s Homily: 2023 Easter Vigil

In Baptism, we die to self in order to rise with Christ. What does it mean when we die to self or to rise with Christ? St. Paul discusses this with new Roman converts. The women who went to mourn Christ's death found he was not in the tomb encounter...

Bishop’s Homily: April 13th, 2023

Shalom. The Hebrew word for peace. The word Jesus says to his disciples when he appears in the upper room. Hear Bishop Brennan's homily on how the gift of peace comes from Christ and how the gift comes in many forms.https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Homily-SD_640x360p.mp4

Bishop’s Homily: 2024 Priestly Ordinations

Congratulations to the newest members of the Diocese of Brooklyn's clergy. Hear Bishop Brennan's homily on the order of the priesthood and the joy of friendship with Christ.https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/240601ORDINATIONHOMILY-SD_640x360p.mp4

Aug. 11, 2024

 The Bread of Life. The Resurrection. The Saints in Heaven.Reflect on this deep reading with Bishop Brennan at the National Eucharistic Congress.https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/August-11-Reflection-SD_960x540p.mp4

Aug. 18, 2024

"Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life within you. For my flesh is real food, my blood is real drink."Reflect with Bishop Brennan on this topic at the National Eucharistic Congress.https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/August-18-Reflection-SD_960x540p.mp4

Aug. 25, 2024

"Lord, to whom shall we turn? You have the words of eternal life. We've come to believe and we know that you are the Son of God."Dive into this deep teaching with Bishop Brennan's Sunday reflection from the National Eucharistic Revival.https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/August-25-Reflection-SD_960x540p.mp4

Sept. 1, 2024

What does it mean to live the Faith authentically? What does it mean to be Doers of The Word? Hear Bishop Brennan's reflection from the Charismatic Renewal in Stony Point, New York. https://dev-diocese-of-brooklyn-2024.pantheonsite.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Reflection-Sept-1-2024-SD_960x540p.mp4

Letter to the Faithful Regarding Roe v. Wade

July 1, 2022 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s decision by the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson is certainly encouraging. I offer sincere appreciation to all of you who have worked tirelessly as witnesses and advocates for the unborn, as helpers of mothers and babies before and after birth, and...

Announcement of Death-Reverend Monsignor Richard J. Ahlemeyer

Most Reverend Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Reverend Monsignor Richard J. Ahlemeyer, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Monsignor Ahlemeyer was born on July 8, 1950, was ordained to the Priesthood on March 12, 1977, and died on Sunday, May...

Regarding New Models of Parish Life

November 3, 2023 To the Clergy, Staffs and the Faithful parishioners of Brooklyn and Queens, Recently, I met with our Vicar General, Regional Vicars, local Deans and priests during our annual Priest Convocation in Douglaston. During this gathering, we discussed important issues that we will need to address in the...

Announcement of Death – Reverend Ralph J. Caputo

  Most Reverend Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Reverend Ralph J. Caputo, a retired priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Father Caputo was born on June 29, 1949 in New York, was ordained to the Priesthood on May 3, 1975 and...

Announcement of Death – Reverend Peter D. Gillen

  Most Reverend Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of Brooklyn, regrets to inform you of the death of Reverend Peter D. Gillen, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Father Gillen was born on August 10, 1951 in New York, was ordained to the Priesthood on February 11, 1978 and died...

Announcement of Death – Reverend Gerald J. Fitzsimmons, S.M.M.

The Diocese of Brooklyn has been informed of the death of Reverend Gerald J. Fitzsimmons, S.M.M., a priest of the Montfort Missionaries – U.S. Province, who served the Diocese of Brooklyn as Pastor of Saint Mary Gate of Heaven (Ozone Park).Father Fitzsimmons died on Friday, July 19, 2024.The funeral arrangements...

Reconfiguring for the Future to Address Resource Challenges

June 7, 2024 Dear Pastors and Administrators, As you know we are coming  up on the conclusion of this year's Deanery visits. Monsignor Joseph Grimaldi, your local Regional Episcopal Vicar and I have listened to your suggestions and concerns, and the conversations have personally been very encouraging to me. As...

Where is the Hail Mary in the Bible?

The Hail Mary is divided into two parts: 1. Who Mary is. 2. Our prayer to Mary. Below the Hail Mary is examined line by line."Hail Mary, full of Grace"Scripture: Luke 1:28 (Hail, full of Grace)Explanation: The Angel Gabriel greets Mary with a very respectful greeting used for royalty. The...

Becoming Catholic

Becoming a part of the Catholic Church is a transformative journey that involves deepening your understanding and commitment to the faith. It's distinct from other Christian traditions where one might simply declare their belief to become a member. Catholicism invites you into a rich, structured process of spiritual and communal...

Statues of Mary and the Saints? Isn’t this idolatry?

“You Shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is the water under the earth; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God….” (Ex 20:3-5).Many Protestant Christians will accuse...

Who Is Jesus?

Often today, when asked the question "Who is Jesus?", Catholics reply: "Jesus is the son of God." While such a statement is true, it does not fully explain who Jesus really is. The problem is that we are all sons and daughters of God yet we are not God. So,...

What Is Faith

Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that He has said and revealed to us, and that the Holy Church proposes for our belief because He is truth itself. By faith "man freely commits his entire self to God." For this reason, the...

Why pray to Mary and the Saints when I can go straight to Jesus?

When a person is baptized, they become part of the mystical body of Christ. A Christian is connected spiritually to other Christians through their baptism. Since Christianity is a communal faith, we are supposed to help each other spiritually and physically. The Bible tells Christians to pray for one another...

The Bible says that Mary had other children.

Why does the Catholic Church teach that she only had Jesus and no other children? Matthew 13: 55-56 states, “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Jude? And are not all his sisters with us?”Reading...

I’ve heard that Catholics worship Mary, is this true?

No, this is not true. Catholics honor (or venerate) the Blessed Mother; they do not worship her. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (the official teaching of the Church) teaches that worship (or adoration) is meant for God alone. Catholics, as well as the Orthodox and some older Protestant groups,...

Why is there a Pope? What is a Pope?

The Pope (Bishop of Rome) is the leader of over 1.2 Billion Catholics worldwide. He unites and Shepard’s the Universal Church. The Holy Father, as the Vicar of Christ, leads and guides Jesus’ Church until Our Lord’s Second Coming. Unfortunately, Non-Catholic Christians disagree with the office of the Pope or...

Why do Catholics honor and love Mary?

A1. She brought the Savior into the World Mary said Yes!  In Luke 1:26-35, The Angel Gabriel appeared to the young Mary and said that she would conceive a child and He will be called “The Son of the Most High.” Mary had free will like all of us, she...

Did the Early Christians Practice Confession?

Not only was the Sacrament of Confession believed and practiced by the Apostles and is explicitly mentioned in the Bible, the early Church Fathers believed and taught Confession as well. The early Church Fathers are the clergy, leaders, teachers, apologists, and evangelists of the first couple of centuries of Christianity....

Why Confess to a Priest?

A common question asked regarding Confession is, “Why should I confess to a Priest when I can pray directly to God?” Our God is a God of intercession. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God has used many Prophets and Angels to reveal truth. God used sinful, imperfect men to...

Is Confession Biblical?

Often enough, the sacrament of confession is misunderstood by Non-Catholics and Catholics alike. Some people feel that confession to a priest is unnecessary when they can just pray to God, while others believe that confession is unbiblical, even going so far as to say that the Catholic Church invented confession...

Who is Jesus?

Discovering Jesus Often today, when asked the question "Who is Jesus?" Catholics reply: "Jesus is the son of God". While such a statement is true, it does not fully explain who Jesus really is. The problem is that we are all sons and daughters of God yet we are not...

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