Diocese of Brooklyn

Report Abuse

If there is an emergency, and you believe that a child is in imminent risk, please call 911, and then contact
The New York State Hotline (800) 342-3720

In addition to reporting to civil authorities, please report to the Diocese:

The Diocesan toll-free reporting line was established in 2003 for anyone to report sexual abuse by diocesan personnel, including volunteers. Reports are automatically sent to law enforcement authorities. There is no diocesan involvement to ensure compliance.

Persons who report alleged incidents, and those who cooperate with investigations of such reports, shall be entitled to the protections of the diocesan Whistleblower Policy. The Diocese of Brooklyn expressly prohibits any form of retaliation, including harassment, intimidation, or adverse employment actions against personnel who raise suspected violations of law, cooperate in inquiries or investigations, or identify potential violations of Diocesan policies in good faith.

All complaints will be treated confidentially subject to the requirements of civil or canon law, the need to cooperate with investigations by civil authorities, and the need to thoroughly investigate the report and take appropriate corrective action.

Our online complaint form may be used to present an allegation that a cleric (bishop, priest, deacon) has committed an act of sexual abuse against a minor. You will be contacted within one business day.


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has established an independent third-party reporting system to receive allegations of sexual abuse and related misconduct by bishops of the United States. Anyone wishing to make a complaint against a bishop or other related misconduct may make such a report at ReportBishopAbuse.org or by calling toll-free (800) 276-1562.

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