Diocese of Brooklyn

Press Releases

Bishop Brennan Celebrates the 100th Anniversary of St. Gabriel Church

For Immediate Release: February 25, 2024

Bishop Robert Brennan, Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn which includes Queens, celebrated the Spanish Mass earlier today to mark the 100th Anniversary of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Roman Catholic Church located in the East Elmhurst section of Queens.

“St. Gabriel’s has a history of bringing people together to encounter Jesus. In this Church, over the years, many things have changed on the inside and outside. But one thing doesn’t change – we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We inherited a lot over these 100 years, and now it is our turn to make this faith community even stronger,” said Bishop Robert Brennan.

The first Mass of St. Gabriel’s was celebrated on July 7, 1923, in Stotzky’s Belvedere Park and the cornerstone of the church was laid on June 29, 1924. St. Gabriel Church opened in the location where it stands today on January 1, 1925. The first Spanish Mass was held in the Lower Church in 1971.

The Mass was followed by a reception in the parish hall.

The Feast Day of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated by the Church annually on February 27. Father Nicholas Apollonio is the Pastor.

Video footage: https://vimeo.com/916528516

The video and photos attached are courtesy of John Quaglione/DeSales Media.


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Bishop Brennan preaches at St Gabriel 100th Anniversary
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St Gabriel 100th Anniversary Mass
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St Gabriel 100th Anniversary Mass
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St Gabriel 100th Anniversary Mass
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St Gabriel 100th Anniversary Mass
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Bishop Brennan and Father Apollonio

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