Diocese of Brooklyn

Press Releases


For Immediate Release: May 15, 2024

The Catholic Telemedia Network (CTN) today hosted international bestselling and award-winning novelist Liza Wiemer, author of “The Assignment” at several Catholic academies in Queens including St. Elizabeth, Divine Mercy, and Our Lady of the Snows.

The book “The Assignment” is based on an actual 2017 event involving two teenagers in Oswego, New York. The students refused a controversial assignment to participate in debating the pros and cons of Hitler’s Final Solution.

Ms. Wiemer led the seventh and eighth-grade students in an important lesson on speaking up against all forms of hatred, bigotry, and injustice. She discussed how her novel helps connect the history of the Holocaust with society today. Ms. Wiemer also talked about the impact of popular culture and social media on all forms of hatred.

Ms. Wiemer’s tour throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn included visits to 10 Catholic schools and academies in Brooklyn and Queens. Each student received a copy of the book.

Catholic Telemedia Network is a service of DeSales Media, which provides technology and communications for the Diocese of Brooklyn and beyond. CTN is collaborating with The New York Education Initiative with the support of The Jewish Education Project.

VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/946741224


Photos attached are from St. Elizabeth and Divine Mercy Catholic Academy.


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Liza Wiemer, author of “The Assignment,” talking with students at St. Elizabeth Catholic Academy.


Students join Principal Jeanne Shannon and author Liza Wiemer for a photo with the award winning book “The Assignment.”

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Students from the 7th and 8th Grade at St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Academy pose for a group photo with Liza Wiemer.

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Students at Divine Mercy Catholic Academy also were visited by author Liza Wiemer to discuss respect and tolerance.

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Author Liza Wiemer shows a graphic to the students of how two people made a global difference, and they can be a part of the change they want to see in the world.

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