Office of Diocesan Archives

A Chronicle of Faith Across the Diocese
This list includes all current and historic parishes in the Diocese.
Brooklyn Cathedrals
- Cathedral-Basilica of St. James (1992), Downtown Brooklyn. Records at parish.
- Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, Prospect Heights (1853). Records at parish.
Brooklyn Parishes
All Saints, Williamsburg (1868). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
Annunciation of the BVM, Williamsburg (1863). Started as a German parish, became a Lithuanian parish by 1914. Records at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Williamsburg.
Assumption of the BVM, Brooklyn Heights (1842). Records at parish.
Blessed Sacrament, Cypress Hills (1891). Records at parish.
Divine Mercy, 2011. Merger of St. Cecilia, St. Nicholas and St. Francis of Paola
Epiphany, Williamsburg (1905). Merged with SS. Peter & Paul, 2007. Records at SS. Peter & Paul, Williamsburg.
Fourteen Holy Martyrs, Bushwick (1887). Started as a German parish. Closed in 1976. Records at St. Martin of Tours, Bushwick.
Good Shepherd, Marine Park (1927). Records at parish.
Guardian Angel, Brighton Beach (1889). Records at parish.
Holy Cross, Flatbush (1852) Records at parish.
Holy Family, Flatlands (1895). Records at parish.
Holy Family, Greenpoint (1909). Started as a Slovak parish. Merged with St. Anthony St. Alphonsus, 2011. Records at new parish.
Holy Family, Park Slope (1880). Started as a German parish. Merged with St. Thomas Aquinas, Park Slope, 2008. Records at parish.
Holy Innocents, Flatbush (1909). Records at parish.
Holy Name, Windsor Terrace (1878). Records at parish.
Holy Rosary, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1889). Merged with Our Lady of Victory and St. Peter Claver, 2007, to form St. Martin De Porres. Records at St. Martin De Porres.
Holy Spirit, Borough Park (1922). Records at parish.
Immaculate Conception of the BVM, Williamsburg (1853). Closed 2007. Records at Most Holy Trinity-St. Mary.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Kensington (1894). Records at parish.
Mary Gate of Heaven, Mill Basin (1927). Records at parish.
Mary Mother of the Church, East New York, (2007). Merger of St. John Cantius and St. Gabriel.
Mary of Nazareth, (2008). Merger of Sacred Heart, St. Michael the Archangel-St. Edward
Most Holy Trinity (1841), Williamsburg. Started as a German parish. Renamed Most Holy Trinity-St. Mary. Records at parish.
Most Precious Blood, Coney Island (1927). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
Nativity of Our Blessed Lord, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1871). Closed in 1973. Records at St. Martin De Porres.
Our Lady Help of Christians, Midwood (1927). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Angels, Bay Ridge (1891). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Charity, Weeksville (1908). Started as an Italian parish. Merged with St. Matthew, Crown Heights in 2011. Records at St. Matthew.
Our Lady of Consolation, Williamsburg (1909). Started as a Polish parish. Records at parish.
Our Lady of Czenstochowa, Bush Terminal (1900). Started as a Polish parish. Renamed Our Lady of Czenstochowa-St. Casimir in 1980. Records at parish.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Bushwick (1886). Merged with St. John the Baptist, Bedford-Stuyvesant, 2007. Records at St. John the Baptist.
Our Lady of Grace, Gravesend (1935). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bensonhurst (1906). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Loreto, East New York (1894). Started as an Italian parish. Records at Archives.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Bushwick (1872). Merged with St. Martin of Tours, 2007. Records at St. Martin of Tours, Bushwick.
Our Lady of Mercy, Brownsville (1965). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Mercy, Downtown Brooklyn (1857). Parish closed 1930. Records at Archives
Our Lady of Miracles, Canarsie (1939). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
Our Lady of Montserrate, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1966). Records at All Saints parish. Started as a Spanish-speaking parish. Renamed Our Lady of Montserrate-St. Ambrose in 1978. Merged with All Saints in 2008.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Williamsburg (1887). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Peace, Carroll Gardens (1899). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica, Bay Ridge (1893). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Pilar, Cobble Hill (1916). Started as a Spanish-speaking parish. Closed in 1935 and merged with St. Peter. Records at St. Paul and St. Agnes, Cobble Hill.
Our Lady of Refuge, Flatbush (1911). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Solace, Coney Island (1901). Records at parish.
Our Lady of Sorrows, Bushwick (1889). Started as a German parish. Closed in 1942. Records at St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church, Bushwick.
Our Lady of the Presentation, Brownsville (1887). Merged with O. L. of Loreto, 2008. Merged with O. L. of Mercy, Brownsville, 2011. Records at parish.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii, Williamsburg (1901). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
Our Lady of Victory, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1868). Merged with St. Peter Claver and Holy Rosary, 2007, to form St. Martin De Porres. Records at St. Martin De Porres.
Queen of All Saints, Fort Greene (1913). Records at parish.
Resurrection, Gerritsen Beach (1924). Records at parish.
Sacred Heart, Barren Island (1908). Started as a Polish parish. Closed 1942. Records at Archives.
Sacred Heart, Fort Greene (1871). Merged with St. Michael-St. Edward and St. Lucy St. Patrick as Mary of Nazareth, 2011. Records at parish.
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Carroll Gardens (1884). Started as an Italian parish. Closed in 1941. Records at Sacred Hearts of Jesus Mary and St. Stephen, Carroll Gardens.
SS. Cyril & Methodius, Greenpoint (1917). Started as a Polish parish. Records at parish.
SS. Peter & Paul, Williamsburg (1844). Records at parish.
SS. Simon & Jude, Gravesend (1897). Records at parish
St. Agatha, Bay Ridge (1912). Records at parish.
St. Agnes, Carroll Gardens (1878). Merged with St. Paul, Cobble Hill, 2007. Records at St. Paul and St. Agnes.
St. Alphonsus, Greenpoint (1873). Started as a German parish. Closed in 1975. Records at St. Anthony-St. Alphonsus, Greenpoint.
St. Ambrose, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1883). Closed in 1978. Records at Our Lady of Montserrate-St. Ambrose, Bedford-Stuyvesant.
St. Andrew the Apostle, Bay Ridge (1972). Records at parish.
St. Ann, Fort Greene (1860). Closed 1986. Records at Archives.
St. Anselm, Bay Ridge (1922). Records at parish.
St. Anthony of Padua, Greenpoint (1858). Renamed St. Anthony-St. Alphonsus in 1975. Records at parish.
St. Athanasius, Bensonhurst (1913). Records at parish.
St. Augustine, Park Slope (1870). Records at parish.
St. Barbara, Bushwick (1893). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
St. Benedict, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1853). Started as a German parish. Closed 1973. Records at Archives.
St. Bernadette, Dyker Heights (1935). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
St. Bernard, Carroll Gardens (1871). Started as a German parish. Closed 1941. Records at Archives.
St. Bernard, Mill Basin (1961). Records at parish.
St. Blaise, Crown Heights (1908). Started as an Italian parish. Closed in 1980. Records at St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise, Crown Heights.
St. Boniface, Downtown Brooklyn (1854). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
St. Brendan, Midwood (1907). Records at parish.
St. Brigid, Wyckoff Heights (1882). Records at parish.
St. Casimir, Fort Greene (1875). Founded as a Polish parish. Closed in 1980. Records at Our Lady of Czenstochowa-St. Casimir, Bush Terminal.
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Borough Park (1902). Records at parish.
St. Catherine of Genoa, Flatbush (1911). Records at parish.
St. Cecilia, Greenpoint (1874). Merged with St. Francis of Paola and St. Nicholas as Divine Mercy Parish, 2011. Records at parish.
St. Charles Borromeo, Brooklyn Heights (1849). Records at parish.
St. Columba, Marine Park (1967). Records at parish
St. Columbkille, Greenpoint (1910). Closed in 1939. Records at SS. Cyril & Methodius, Greenpoint.
St. Dominic, Bensonhurst (1972). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
St. Edmund, Sheepshead Bay (1922). Records at parish.
St. Edward, Fort Greene (1891). Renamed St. Michael-St. Edward in 1942. Merged with Sacred Heart and St. Lucy-St. Patrick in 2011. Records at Mary of Nazareth, Fort Greene.
St. Ephrem, Dyker Heights (1921). Records at parish.
St. Finbar, Bath Beach (1889). Records at parish.
St. Fortunata, East New York (1934). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
St. Frances Cabrini, Bensonhurst (1961). Records at parish.
St. Frances De Chantal, Borough Park (1892). Records at parish.
St. Francis in the Fields, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1866). Started as a German parish. Closed 1888. Records at Archives.
St. Francis of Assisi, Crown Heights (1898). Renamed St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise in 1980. Merged with St. Ignatius, 2011. Records at parish.
St. Francis of Paola, Greenpoint (1920). Started as an Italian parish. Merged with St. Cecilia and St. Nicholas, 2011. Records at parish.
St. Francis Xavier, Park Slope (1886). Records at parish.
St. Gabriel, East New York (1901). Merged with St. John Cantius, 2007, to form Mary, Mother of the Church. Records at Mary, Mother of the Church.
St. George, Fort Greene (1909). Started as a Lithuanian parish. Renamed St. Ann-St. George in 1986. Closed in 2003. Records at Diocesan Archives.
St. Gregory the Great, Crown Heights (1906). Merged with St. Matthew, 2011. Records at parish.
St. Ignatius, Crown Heights (1908). Merged with St. Francis of Assisi-St. Blaise, 2011. Records at new parish.
St. Jerome, Flatbush (1901). Records at parish.
St. John Cantius, East New York (1902). Started as a Polish parish. Merged with St. Gabriel in 2007, to form Mary, Mother of the Church. Records at Mary, Mother of the Church.
St. John the Baptist, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1868). Records at parish.
St. John the Evangelist, Park Slope (1849). Records at parish.
St. John’s Chapel, Fort Greene (1878). Records at Queen of All Saints, Fort Greene.
St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church, Bushwick (1924). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
St. Joseph, Prospect Heights (1853). Records at parish.
St. Jude, Canarsie (1961). Records at parish.
St. Laurence, East New York (1964). Records at parish.
St. Leonard of Port Maurice, Bushwick (1871). Started as a German parish. Closed in 1978. Records at St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church, Bushwick.
St. Louis, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1870). Started as a French parish. Closed in 1946. Records at Archives.
St. Lucy, Fort Greene (1904). Started as an Italian parish. Closed in 1974. Records at St. Lucy-St. Patrick, Fort Greene. Merged with Mary of Nazareth, 2011. Records at parish.
St. Malachy, East New York (1862). Merged with St. Michael, East New York, 2006. Records at St. Michael-St. Malachy.
St. Margaret Mary, Manhattan Beach (1920).
St. Mark, Sheepshead Bay (1889). Records at parish.
St. Martin de Porres, Bedford-Stuyvesant, 2007. Merger of Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Victory and St. Peter Claver.
St. Martin of Tours, Bushwick (1906). Renamed St. Martin of Tours-Fourteen Holy Martyrs in 1976. Merged with Our Lady of Lourdes and renamed St. Martin of Tours, 2007. Records at parish.
St. Mary Mother of Jesus, Bensonhurst (1889). Records at parish.
St. Mary of the Angels, Williamsburg (1896). Started as a Lithuanian parish. Closed in 1981. Records at Archives.
St. Mary Star of the Sea, Carroll Gardens (1855). Records at parish.
St. Matthew, Crown Heights (1886). Records at parish.
St. Michael Archangel, Fort Greene (1891). Started as an Italian parish. Closed in 1942. Records at Mary of Nazareth, Ft. Greene.
St. Michael, Bay Ridge (1874). Records at parish.
St. Michael, East New York (1860). Started as a German parish. Now St. Michael-St. Malachy. Records at parish.
St. Nicholas, Williamsburg (1866). Started as a German parish. Merged with St. Cecilia and St. Francis of Paola as Divine Mercy Parish, 2011. Records at parish.
St. Patrick, Bay Ridge (1854). Records at parish.
St. Patrick, Kent Avenue (1843). Renamed St. Lucy-St. Patrick in 1974. Merged with Mary of Nazareth, 2011. Records at new parish.
St. Paul, Cobble Hill (1838), renamed St. Paul and St. Agnes. Records at parish.
St. Peter Claver, Bedford-Stuyvesant (1920). Started as an African-American parish. Merged with Our Lady of Victory and Holy Rosary in 2007 to form St. Martin De Porres. Records at St. Martin De Porres.
St. Peter, Cobble Hill (1859). Closed 1975. Records at St. Paul and St. Agnes.
St. Rita, East New York (1913). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
St. Rocco, Bush Terminal (1905). Started as an Italian parish. Merged with St. John Evangelist in 2011. Records at parish.
St. Rosalia, Bensonhurst (1905). Started as an Italian parish. Renamed St. Rosalia Regina Pacis in 1963. Records at parish.
St. Rose of Lima, Parkville (1874). Records at parish.
St. Saviour, Park Slope (1905). Records at parish.
St. Stanislaus Kostka, Greenpoint (1898). Started as a Polish parish. Records at parish.
St. Stanislaus Martyr, Park Slope (1891). Started as a Scandinavian parish. Closed in 1980. Records at Holy Family-St. Thomas Aquinas, Park Slope.
St. Stephen, Carroll Gardens (1866). Renamed Sacred Hearts of Jesus Mary and St. Stephen in 1941. Records at parish.
St. Sylvester, City Line (1923). Records at parish.
St. Teresa of Avila, Prospect Heights (1874).
St. Therese of Lisieux, East Flatbush (1926). Records at parish.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Flatlands (1891). Records at parish.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Park Slope (1884). Merged with Holy Family, Park Slope, 2008. Records at parish.
St. Vincent De Paul, Williamsburg (1860). Closed in 2004. Records at Archives.
St. Vincent Ferrer, Flatbush (1923). Records at parish.
Transfiguration, Williamsburg (1874). Records at parish.
Visitation of the BVM, Red Hook (1854). Records at parish.
Queens Parishes
- American Martyrs, Bayside (1948). Records at parish.
- Ascension, Elmhurst (1945). Records at parish.
- Blessed Sacrament, Jackson Heights (1929). Records at parish.
- Blessed Trinity, Rockaway Point (2008). Merger of St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Pascal Baylon. Records at parish.
- Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians, Woodside (1854). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- Christ the King, Springfield Gardens (1933). Records at parish.
- Corpus Christi, Woodside (1937). Records at parish.
- Holy Child Jesus, Richmond Hill (1910). Records at parish.
- Holy Cross, Maspeth (1912). Started as a Polish parish. Records at parish.
- Holy Family, Flushing (1940). Records at parish.
- Holy Trinity, Whitestone (1965). Records at parish.
- Immaculate Conception, Jamaica Estates (1924). Records at parish.
- Immaculate Conception, Long Island City (1924). Records at parish.
- Incarnation, Queens Village (1927). Records at parish.
- Mary’s Nativity, Flushing (1926). Records at parish.
- Most Precious Blood, Long Island City (1922). Records at parish.
- Nativity of the BVM, Ozone Park (1925). Started as an Italian parish. Merged with St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr, 2008. Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Fatima, Jackson Heights (1948). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Grace, Howard Beach (1924). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Hope, Middle Village (1960). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Light, St. Albans (2008). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Lourdes, Queens Village (1924). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Mercy, Forest Hills (1930). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Long Island City (1841). Records at parish
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, South Ozone Park (1923). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of Sorrows, Corona (1876). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of the Angelus, Rego Park (1938). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Bayside (1930). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of the Cenacle, Richmond Hill (1922). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Ridgewood (1917). Records at parish.
- Our Lady of the Snows, North Floral Park (1948). Records at parish.
- Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Forest Hills (1917). Records at parish.
- Presentation of the BVM, Jamaica (1886). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- Queen of Angels, Sunnyside (1953). Records at parish.
- Queen of Peace, Kew Gardens (1939). Records at parish.
- Resurrection-Ascension, Rego Park (1926). Records at parish.
- Sacred Heart, Bayside (1878). Records at parish.
- Sacred Heart, Cambria Heights (1936). Records at parish.
- Sacred Heart, East Glendale (1929). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- SS. Joachim & Anne, Queens Village (1896). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Adalbert, Elmhurst (1892). Started as a Polish parish. Records at parish.
- St. Aloysius, Ridgewood (1892). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Anastasia, Douglaston (1915). Records at parish.
- St. Andrew Avellino, Flushing (1914). Records at parish.
- St. Ann, Flushing (1927). Records at parish.
- St. Anthony of Padua, South Ozone Park (1937). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
- St. Bartholomew, Elmhurst (1906). Records at parish.
- St. Benedict Joseph Labre, Richmond Hill (1892). Records at parish.
- St. Benedict the Moor, Jamaica (1932). Started as an African-American parish. Merged with St. Bonaventure in 2009. Records at parish.
- St. Bonaventure, Jamaica (1930). Merged with St. Benedict the Moor in 2009. Records at parish.
- St. Camillus, Rockaway Beach (1912). Merged with St. Virgilius, 2008. Records at parish.
- St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Albans (1922). Merged with St. Pascal Baylon in 2008 as Our Lady of Light. Records at parish.
- St. Clare, Rosedale (1924). Records at parish.
- St. Clement Pope, South Ozone Park (1913). Records at parish.
- St. Elizabeth, Ozone Park (1885). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Fidelis, College Point (1856). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Francis De Sales, Belle Harbor (1906). Records at parish.
- St. Francis of Assisi, Astoria (1930). Records at parish.
- St. Gabriel, East Elmhurst (1923). Records at parish.
- St. Genevieve, Roxbury (1950). Merged with as Blessed Trinity Parish in 2008. Records at parish.
- St. Gerard Majella, Hollis (1907). Records at parish.
- St. Gertrude, Edgemere (1923). Merged with St. Mary Star of the Sea in 2008. Records at parish.
- St. Gregory the Great, Bellerose (1936). Records at parish.
- St. Helen, Howard Beach (1960). Records at parish.
- St. Joan of Arc, Jackson Heights (1920). Records at parish.
- St. John Vianney, Flushing (1967). Records at parish.
- St. Josaphat, Bayside (1910). Records at parish.
- St. Joseph, Jamaica (1904). Started as a Polish parish. Records at parish.
- St. Joseph, Long Island City (1879). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Kevin, Flushing (1926). Records at parish.
- St. Leo, Corona (1903). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
- St. Luke, Whitestone (1870). Records at parish.
- St. Margaret Mary, Long Island City (1961). Merged with Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Long Island City in 2007. Records at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
- St. Margaret, Middle Village (1863). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Mary Gate of Heaven, Ozone Park (1904). Records at parish.
- St. Mary Magdalene, Springfield Gardens (1913). Records at parish.
- St. Mary Star of the Sea, Far Rockaway (1868). Records at parish.
- St. Mary, Long Island City (1868). Records at parish.
- St. Matthias, Ridgewood (1908). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Mel, Flushing (1941). Records at parish.
- St. Michael, Flushing (1848). Records at parish.
- St. Monica, Jamaica (1848). Closed in 1973. Records at Archive.
- St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Jamaica (1917). Records at parish.
- St. Pancras, Glendale (1904). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Pascal Baylon, St. Albans (1930). Records at parish.
- St. Patrick, Long Island City (1868). Records at parish.
- St. Paul Chong Ha-Sang, Flushing (2006). Records at parish.
- St. Paul the Apostle, Corona (1964). Records at parish.
- St. Pius V, Jamaica (1908). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
- St. Pius X, Rosedale (1960). Records at parish.
- St. Raphael, Long Island City (1868). Records at parish.
- St. Rita, Long Island City (1904). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
- St. Robert Bellarmine, Bayside (1939). Records at parish.
- St. Rose of Lima, Rockaway Beach (1886). Records at parish.
- St. Sebastian, Woodside (1894). Records at parish.
- St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr, Ozone Park (1923). Started as a Polish parish. Merged with Nativity of the B.V.M. Records at parish.
- St. Stanislaus Kostka, Maspeth (1872). Records at parish.
- St. Teresa of Avila, South Ozone Park (1929). Records at parish.
- St. Teresa, Woodside (1928). Records at parish.
- St. Thomas Apostle, Woodhaven (1910). Started as a German parish. Records at parish.
- St. Thomas More-St. Edmund, Breezy Point (1937). Merged with St. Genevive as Blessed Trinity Parish in 2008. Records at parish.
- St. Virgilius, Broad Channel (1921). Merged with St. Camillus in 2008. Records at parish.
- Transfiguration, Maspeth (1908). Started as an Italian parish. Records at parish.
Eastern Rite Parishes
- Annunciation of the B.V.M. Ukrainian Catholic Church, Fresh Meadows (
- Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church, Astoria (
- Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church, Williamsburg (
- Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn Heights. The Cathedral of the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn. (
- Resurrection Coptic Catholic Church, Park Slope (1985) (
- St. Elias Byzantine Catholic Church, Greenpoint. A Parish of The Eparchy of Newton (
- St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ozone Park (
- St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Park Slope (1916). A parish of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stanford (
- Virgin Mary Melkite Catholic Church, Park Slope. (
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel 103-56 52nd Avenue Corona, NY 11368 (For information please contact St. Leo, Corona)
- Our Lady of the Skies Chapel John F. Kennedy International Airport Terminal #4—Fourth Floor Jamaica, NY 11430 (718) 656-5348
- Sacred Heart Chapel, Carroll Gardens. Closed 1995. Records at St. Mary Star of the Sea, Carroll Gardens.
- St. Augustine Yu Chin-Gil Chapel 2115 61st Street Brooklyn, NY 11204 (718) 259-5424
- Our Lady of China Chapel 54-09 92nd Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718) 699-1929
- St. Frances Cabrini Chapel, Carroll Gardens. Closed 1996. Records at Sacred Hearts of Jesus Mary and St. Stephen.
- St. Raphael’s Korean Martyrs Apostolate 35-20 Greenpoint Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 729-2220