Respect Life Ministry is one of the areas encompassed under the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis in the Diocese of Brooklyn. The vision of Respect Life Ministry is to uphold the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death across several areas:
In the Diocese of Brooklyn, Christian Rada is the Director of Marriage, Family, and Respect Life Education. Under his leadership, programs are designed to support and strengthen marriage, families, and respect for life.
An educational/public information effort to inform, clarify and deepen understanding of the basic issues concerning pro-life activities.
A pastoral effort addressed to the specific needs of women with problems related to pregnancy and to those who have had, or have taken part in, an abortion. For a list of resources click here.
40 Days For Life Fast
Run a 40 day fast for life in your parish community. Through prayer and fasting, constant vigil, and community outreach, 40 Days for Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to protect life in your neighborhood.
A collaborative project between the Diocese of Syracuse and the New York State Catholic Conference, these are links to the recordings of the 4-part series covering the issues of abortion, assisted suicide, poverty and racism. The content seeks to help Catholics and others to understand and discuss the Catholic perspective in a way that fosters respect and civility.