Diocese of Brooklyn

Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis

Nurturing Faith Through Evangelization and Catechesis


Under the inspired guidance of Pope Francis and his call for unity and collaboration in evangelization and catechesis, the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis houses and administrates various ministries dedicated to nurturing the faith of the Diocese of Brooklyn’s community. The office’s mission is to support parishes, families, and Catholic academies/schools in providing opportunities that lead to a deeper understanding of faith and a commitment to missionary discipleship.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • Adult Faith Formation: Under Joann Roa’s leadership, programs are designed to offers adult members of the community to deepen their faith and understanding of the Catholic doctrine.

  • Children’s Faith Formation and Catechesis: Under Nelsa Elias’s leadership, programs are designed to supports catechetical leaders to provide  enriching the spiritual programs aimed to enrich  children and guiding them in their faith journey.

  • Pre-Cana, Marriage, Family, and Respect Life Education: Under Christian Rada’s leadership, programs are designed to support and strengthen marriage, families, Pre-Cana, and respect for life.

  • Diaconate Formation: Coordinated by Deacon John Cantirino. 

  • Youth and Young Adults: Under Fr. James A. Kuroly ED. D. ‘s leadership, programs are designed to serve and support all those who minister with and to our young people for effective ministry and formation. 

In its commitment to oneness of spirit and teamwork, the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis offers a range of online learning and leadership formation opportunities. These include local courses and educational events that everyone is welcome to attend and register for at bqfaith.org. In partnership with various formation partners, the office continues to develop and promote programs that foster an environment of learning, spiritual growth, and community engagement.

By working collaboratively with parishes and communities, the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis aims to empower individuals and families to become active participants in their faith journey, leading them towards a fulfilling and mission-driven life in Christ.

Our Team

Very Rev. Joseph Gibino

Vicar for the Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis
Leadership Team

Christine Georgi, Interim Administrative Assistant for the Vicar and Registrar

Dr. Dcn. John Cantirino, Diaconate Formation, Coordinator

Maria Plasencia, Diaconate Formation, Administrative Assistant

Christian Rada, Marriage, Family, and Respect Life Education, Director

Joann Roa, Adult Faith Formation, Director

Ana Maria Rodriguez Cortes, Administrative Assistant

Nelsa Elias, Children's Faith Formation and Catechesis, Director

Fr. James A. Kuroly ED. D., Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry

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