Diocese of Brooklyn

Propagation of the Faith

Fostering Global Faith

Diocesan Director: Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, tahern@diobrook.org, ext. 1201
Associate Director/MCA Coordinator: Dcn. Louis J. Panico, lpanico@diobrook.org, ext. 1212
Administrative Assistant: Ms. Kara Schmidt, kschmidt@diobrook.org, ext. 1216
Direct Phone: (718) 965-7326
Email: kschmidt@diobrook.org 
Fax: (718) 965-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PropagationoftheFaithBQ


The Propagation of the Faith in the Diocese of Brooklyn is one of the Pontifical Mission Societies, along with the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) and the Society of St. Peter the Apostle. Together these societies, each with their own emphases, are the main fundraising organizations for the missionary work of the Church.

Our office organizes the annual Diocesan Mission Cooperative Program (DMCP), also known as the Summer Mission Appeal, which invites missionaries from around the world to preach in the parishes of Brooklyn and Queens. 

On World Mission Sunday (every penultimate Sunday in October) a global collection is taken to support the cause of the missions. Catholic elementary academies, high schools, and parish faith formation programs that have been generous to the MCA are awarded at a special Mass that Sunday. Mite Boxes are available year-round for principals, DREs, and anyone else who wishes to participate. 

Many parishes in the Diocese of Brooklyn order calendars through the Propagation of the Faith office, which is our primary fundraiser. Three annual mailings also raise funds for each respective Pontifical Mission Society.

We accept donations of Mass stipends and offer various Mass cards for individuals, Triduum, Novena, and Gregorian Masses. Stipends and intentions are given to missionary priests who visit the office, which are taken back to and said in their home countries. Annuities and estate donations are also available for arrangement. 

We accept and distribute new and used vestments and sacred vessels donated to us by parishes and individuals which are greatly needed in mission lands. 

Stay up to date on Summer Mission Appeal locations, MCA events, and general missionary activity in the Diocese of Brooklyn and around the world by liking and following our Facebook page: 

Contact Us

Propagation of the Faith

310 Prospect Park West
Brooklyn, NY

Phone: (718) 965-7326

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