In Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical letter “Redemptoris Missio” on December 7, 1990, he states: “Every church, even made up of recent converts, is missionary by its very nature and is both evangelized and evangelizing… The evangelizing activity of the Christian community, first in its own locality and then elsewhere as part of the church’s universal mission, is the clearest sign of a mature faith.”
The Filipino Diocesan Apostolate was inaugurated on September 12, 1993, under the leadership of Most Rev. Thomas V. Daily and Msgr. Ronald T. Marino, who was the Director of the Catholic Migration Office at the time. This apostolate was established to carry out the process of evangelization within the Filipino migrant community in Brooklyn and Queens. Its primary objective is to strengthen our Philippine identity and community while sharing our many gifts, talents, and rich Catholic heritage with our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Brooklyn. In this apostolate, we not only encourage participation but also leadership in supporting our local Church.